{Chapter 8}

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~Two Months Later~

POV Dannie:

Typing into the system, I looked at each specimen's health and status, each one of the specimens was growing at its respected incubation rate, however, something was strange about 004 growth, compared to the rest, 004 seemed to be growing at quite a rapid rate, regardless of its initial size, it's not even close to its hatching date, regardless, the specimen will choose when it is its time to come out of the egg. I began adding some nutrients to the egg and some DNA, giving the specimens more of a chance to become something great, something powerful. I was so excited at the thought, 'Ah! Me creator and lead worker on this project, one spoken for years, and I, Dannie, could be the leading cause to their greatness', I smiled widely and looked back at Mikey, only to frown a second letter.

Since the beginning, Mikey has been keeping his distance from the eggs, asking no questions as to why the facility has chosen turtles, he just...goes with the flow...just like all the people of New York City. I watched Mikey as he continued his work, all of the work he completed always seemed average, like he put in the needed work, however never succeeded passed that, he just did what was needed. Turning back to my chart, I continued my work, even did some more, looking at each one of their biologies, I felt a sort of guilt as I stared at the screan, that was until Mikey tapped my shoulder, scaring that shit out of me.

"Jeez! Mikey, what the heck are you doing we have work to do-", Mikey waved and turned around making his way to leave the lab, only for me to run towards him grabbing him by the shoulder, "Mikey, what are you doing we still have tons of time to work, you know if we leave early then-", waving to get my attention, Mikey pointed at the time, I squicked my eyes, trying my best to see, I was shocked, 'Shoot Three o'clock already', pointing in the direction, I waved Mikey off and continued my work, only to get lost in thought, why was Mikey always so quiet.

'That was something that terrified me about Mikey, the kid never made a sound, his bare feet tapping against the ground were always silent, his breathing was always low and not audible, and the device over his nape, only made it worse. Mikey's footsteps over time became quieter until you never heard them, even running down the hallways whether that was here or when I was in school, his steps never made any sounds! And now...heh he's silent and you never feel his presence no matter what his mood is, this kid's a threat...and I don't know, why the kraang decided to kidnap this one'.

Turning around, I walked towards the eggs, and pulled up their projection, looking over their physical structure, "Entry 356, looking at each fetus, all are completely healthy, showing no signs of error, or odd mutation, i.e. third eye, holes in the shell, or elongated tail bone...", spin the projection, I looked at 003's, "Regardless it seems 003 is nearing the end of its germinal stage, almost ready to transform into the next stage, while the rest of the specimens have moved onto the Embryonic stage, the second stage...", pulling up 003's file I looked closely, looking at it's hatch day, "This could be due to its species late hatching date, compared to the rest, this species, takes around two to almost nines months when it's a normal turtle, and looking at its structure I'm guess this one will take the longest".

"013-02012, the one known as Bishop, would like to speak with you, immediately", nodding my head, typing into the computer, I ended the entry, and turned around, watching as the eggs lowered down into a more protected enclosure. Turning around, I followed after the droid as it held open the door, and walked down the stairs.

Walking down the hall, my stride continued its normal pace, my posture proper and upright, my arms placed over my chest, crossing my arms, and keeping my patagium out of others' way. I wasn't nervous, my expression was collected, there was no reason for me to be nervous, I was a obedient worker, and I knew that. Walking down the corridor, I looked straight ahead, and felt curious, questioning why Bishop needed to talk to me. I thought over all possibilities, but before I could get to the conclusion, I was already standing at his door, taking a few deep breaths as the droid knocked on Bishop's door.

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