{Chapter 9}

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POV Mikey:

I woke up early...sitting on the bench as I stared at the clock, purple letters dimly lighting up the room. For the past hour, I've been awake, tapping my fingers on the bench, trying to fall asleep once more, but I couldn't, I just kept thinking about the conversation I overheard heard between Centi and Dannie last night, 'Was this about the same thing they talk about last time? I want to know and ask him, but how...how do I know he's even telling the truth'.


Walking down the hall, I grabbed my shoulder, my arms sore from hours upon hours of training, and combat, scars formed on my scales from the training, cuts littered my skin and all I could do was wipe them clean during my bathroom breaks, making sure none of them would get infected. Stepping closer to the cell, I noticed Centi was there again, ready to bring us dinner, I quickened my pace only to slow down, 'they're talking? What are they talking about this time', standing near the crack where the hinge and the door met I listened very carefully, "Well, it was about time, Flaquito. That kid has been doing this for how long and knows nothing about it! It sucks that Bishop is the one speaking to him, and knowing him he's probably not going to put it  lightly, you should tell him now-"

"No, Bishop told me before I left not to tell him, it's already hard knowing the fact that Bishop is lying to Mikey's brothers that he hasn't seen any sightings of Mikey yet. Centi his brothers are looking for him, and Bishop ordered me to tell no one, I shouldn't even be telling you!", I was frozen, staring at the ground no longer listening to the conversation, 'They're...still looking for me', shaking my head, I continued to listen.

"From what I've heard, they've been checking out every single possible kidnapper all over the city, but have come up with nothing, and for some reason, he asked about his family, if he ever talked about them...I told him that he hasn't tried escaping, but he does talk about his sisters, he asked what they were but I just told him, I didn't know-", I stepped away, shocked by the news I heard, I felt...empty...the one person I trusted, spilling the few memories I could remember of my faceless sisters, was told...to the enemy, but I guess I wasn't the only one startled by this information, "You told Bishop?! How could you do that, you know he'll harm anything and anyone to keep the things he wants, plus kid, what if by chance-, oh I don't know his sisters were actually turtles like him, Bishop would probably kidnap them-"

"Well for all we know they're not, so they're fine-"

'I...trusted him...but-', shaking my head, I made my way, stepping around the corner, but before they saw me, I put on a tired look, the same one I held moments before, and walked inside, both mutants looked at me, showing a very nervous face, "Hey Dannie- Oh, hey Centi, is it Dinner time already?"


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*


Looking up at the door, I watched as it slowly opened up, revealing Centi standing there, pulling their cart along with them. "Wha-....", they stared at me, their face looked so tired as they stared at me, grabbing the same bowl and bag from before, "Buenos Dias, pequeñito, were you up all night", I turned my gaze to the bowl she offered and took it from her, staring at the gruel, sighing tiredly, I shook my head, but her face said otherwise, "You know you need your sleep, cariño...", reaching off to the side, I grabbed the notepad and pen, Dannie gave to me, I began writing, and Centi waited, walking farther into the cell. Turning back towards her, I showed her what I wrote.

I heard towards the end what you guys said last night and thank you for telling him off

Ceti stared at the note as I continued writing, "So then you heard about your brothers huh?", nodding my head I continued to write, my sentence growing longer each second, "Huhhh, and no problem about me giving Flaquito a talking to, I was just...mad? I'm not sure, as someone who hasn't seen my family since I ran away over seventy years ago...god that really messes with you huh, I'm already eighty years old", I instantly switched my gaze over to them, shocked as they spoke about their age, I finished off my sentence and showed them my notepad.

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