{Chapter 10}

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POV Mikey:

I fell silent, wincing as the droid gripped my wrist painfully, I knew bruises would show up afterward, but I didn't care, how could I? After all, there was one thing on my mind and I begged that this was just some messed up nightmare, my mind playing tricks, and soon I would wake up, all of this would be over...but it never ended, the pain proved this wasn't a dream. 'Wake up...', I pressed my nail into my palm, trying so hard to wake myself up, 'Wake up...come on wake up', I did anything to wake myself up, I pinched my thigh, dug my nails into my skin, anything to feel nothing, no pain, just to prove this was a dream, 'Somebody! Please!', I called in my mind, hoping someone would hear me, 'I don't want to be here anymore, I don't care, please someone save me', I hated this dream.

'Wait! Maybe this is like that meditation thing Leo was talking about, maybe if I call out to him, he'll hear me', I opened my mouth took a deep breath, and with all my might, I tried to yell, calling out to Leo, but...his name never left my throat, his name was never muttered and the only thing that fell from my mouth was a depressing chirp. I continued to call out, whether that was inside my head, or an attempt to yell, I kept calling out to him, hoping that he would hear me, 'leo...Leo...Leo! Leo! LEO! LEO!!!'


'The test failed, and the results of the recent modification...was worse than the last test, and Leo...he never came...', Bishop dragged me down the hall, yanking me by my wrist, my throat burned, acid clinging to the side of my throat and the inside of my mouth, it hurt, everything hurt. I limped as I walked down the long hallway way, my legs and arms shook, spasming painfully as I took each step. Looking up at Bishop, I noticed as he mumbled under his breath, most of which was cursing, 'He's angry...'. He turned a corner sharply, pulling me with him, and wincing which only made his grip even tighter, I looked around the hallway, but I didn't recognize anything, 'was this a different route? Where is he taking me?!", small chirps sounded out as I looked around the hallway, turning the last corner, and stopping right in front of my cell, he entered the code, kicking the door wide open and throwing me to the ground, I whined scrapping my knees against the rough concrete floor.

"013-202012...", I lifted my head from the ground and looked at him from the corner of my eye, massaging my bruised wrist, "Stand you pest", pushing myself up from the floor, I stared down at the ground, noticing that a small flow of blood was dripping down my knee. "Are you doing this on purpose...", I shook my head, my eyes stung remembering the test that occurred minutes before, this one hurt, almost like the test months ago, everything hurt, but how was this my fault, "Don't lie to me...", I heard Bishop mess with a piece of his clothing, hoping that he was just fixing his sleeve, but who's ever that lucky.


The pain only worsened, grabbing ahold of my neck, I scrambled for freedom, I wanted to leave, I wanted to be somewhere safe, I needed to be somewhere safe...I wanted to go home. My fingers dug against the ground, scratching over and over, grating the skin off the tips of each finger, blood painting the floor where I dragged my fingers, it hurt but I didn't care, I couldn't feel it, all I could feel was the shock, 'Help! Someone! Please-', my silent screams turned to wet coughs, droll dribbling down my cheek. The coughing turned into heaving as I felt what was left in my stomach reaching my lips, stomach acid pooled onto the ground, and my face laid in the mess, he finally turned off the shock, leaving me on the ground lying in the pool of acid and saliva, everything hurt, my throat, my body, the tips of my fingers, even my face, the fresh bile began to burn my cheek, picking up my head, I moved it off to the side, and slammed my head back on the concrete, breathing heavily, drool still coming out of my mouth. "Stand", reaching for the bench, I pulled myself up to my knees and flinched as the rough concrete stabbed into the freshly torn skin on my knee. He glared at me, his face covered in so much disgust, "You smell vile", Bishop pulled out a small radio and walked towards the door, speaking softly yet harshly into the radio.

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