{Chapter 29}

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A/N~Hey Readers, so this is the next chapter, I'm posting early because I will be too busy to be near a computer, plus there will be no wifi, plus it was either this or waiting until Tuesday, and I'm guessing most of yall don't want to wait so here! Hope ya'll like it! <3

~One hour before~

POV Mikey:

Broken silence...standing in the center of the field, the meadow was empty, but...it wasn't quiet. I heard the sounds of Uno crying loudly, his siblings joined in, their screams piercing the quiet atmosphere. "Kids...", I lead with one foot, placing one foot in front of the other, my pace sped up until I was running, running with all my strength, I needed to run faster, run to my kids, I needed to save them.


I knew those noises, the sounds the Kraang screeched from the top of their lungs, 'I need to protect them!', I strumbled as roots grew from the ground, the once leveled land became uneven, it was horrifying, the beautiful meadow, the forest...gone. Destroyed as all that surrounded me were buildings and structures created by the Kraang, it didn't matter. I looked around me, calling out for the tiny children, who continued to fill the air with cries and sobs, calling out for me, but I couldn't find them, the cries echoed against the concrete walls, and the sounds surrounded me, I hated it, I needed to save them, but where were they.

"Mikey?", that voice? I turned around and just stared off, looking at the woman I miss, my mother...my protector, "Momma?", I was back in that meadow, yet I no longer heard the cries of my children, instead...screaming, cursing, yelling, that's all I heard as my mother looked at me, her arms crossed as she held a bundle of cloth in her arms, "Who?", I walked towards her, reaching to see who was inside the green blanket, "Your daughter, Mikey", a soft smile was on her face as she pulled the blanket back, showing me a turtle with tiny chubby speckled cheeks with the cutest freckles, yet I was confused, none of my kids had freckles so who... her eyes shut as she slept with a gentle snore, "But I don't have any-"

"Any daughter with freckles?-", I was stunned that mom knew what I was going to say, but she just chuckled, her hand grazing over the small one's head, scratching gently at the back of her head. "Well you don't that's alive anyways...", softly she handed the small turtle off to me, sitting comfortably as she looked over my shoulder, I knew what she meant, but it made this whole situation hurt even more, I pulled her close, hugging her fully with both arms, 'somethings...off', I looked down at my body, my arms, my legs my...tail, I was me, the normal me, a small 5'5 turtle, with bright sky-blue eyes, not the monster the Kraang made of me. But I didn't care, I crouched down until I fully sat on the floor, holding my baby, "I'm so sorry, hun-", my baby, Venus. I regret all my decisions, everything that led up to this one's end, "If only I was smarter-, stronger, something enough to have been able to protect you, but I wasn't, too weak to keep you safe... too weak to be a good dad...

"You are a good dad...", oh how I wished the tears would stop, but not once did they give up, "Mikey...", my eyes swollen, and the bags that hung underneath puffed out red as I stared at her, I wanted to know what she was going to add, but-, "it's time to wake up", what she said was not what I wanted to hear, "It's time to come home-", I shocked my head, turning away from mom as she reached out to me, reaching for my hand, "Please Mikey, I need you to stay with me...", I tried to pull her arm off but her hold was firm, it hurt, "M-mom, stop that hurts-"

"Mikey!", I heard two-three? There were too many voices when she spoke, my body felt like it was being shaken around, mom grabbed my shoulders as she shook my body, "Mom! You're hurting me-"

"Stay with us, Mikey!"


"Stay.Stay.stay.stay.staystaystaystaystaystaystaystaystaystaystay. CLEAR!!!!!!"

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