{Chapter 4}

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POV Tang Shen:

"Why did you leave...", silenced filled the room as I looked at Yoshi, the man I thought I knew. I wanted to know so so badly, I couldn't stay calm any longer, the thought of my husband holding my daughter broke me, "Why didn't you come and help me look for Miwa, our daughter, our child", Yoshi's eyes widened as his brows furrowed, but he said nothing, it hurt. I broke into sobs as I wiped my eyes, "You left me there in that house fire searching for our daughter...", Yoshi placed Lita into his lap, letting her play with his long scrawny fingers, "Why...", Yoshi pulled himself forward, pressing his knees into mine, taking ahold of my hands. Tears fell down my cheeks, "Why...couldn't you have been there...*gasp* to help me find her...", looking away from him, I looked down at my hands, switching my gaze between mine and his, chuckling sadly as Lita looked up from between Yoshi's arms, tapping each of our hands as she laughed loudly.  "I tried so hard to find Miwa...*sniff*, but she...she was gone, her room was covered in flames...I-I", I couldn't speak any longer as I broke down, sobbing quietly. "Mama?", Lita's smile dropped and crawled underneath both of our arms, climbing right into my lap, and hugging my belly, nuzzling her forehead against my stomach.

"I am...so sorry, Shen...nothing on earth could help me sincerely apologize for what I did. After speaking with my father, I went straight home, only to find it covered in flames and you gone...I-", Yoshi's grip on my hands tightened for just a second, trembling not long after, looking towards him, he looked away from my face, staring at our hands, "I thought I was too late, Shen...when something told me-, when I felt like something off I ran toward the house, but when I arrived the house was destroy, just rubble, I went in searchin, but everything was gone...you were gone...", Yoshi's face looked so tired, night's of meditation and training his sons, to become stronger really did take a physical toll on the poor man, but he hid it so well, yet now here he was letting himself become fully vulnerable, "I really regret not coming sooner...", he looked up towards me, reaching his hand out, reaching for my face, I flinched for a second then rested into the palm of his hand, "God, I missed you, I wish it was I that carried these burns...not you, you do not deserve this", he rubbed his thumb against my cheek, wiping away the stray tears, "I hope you have the ability in your heart to forgive me of my sins", I didn't answer, I just looked at him and continued to the topic at hand, "I truely know that you meant every single word you said, but for now I need you to listen and do a favor"

"What is it that you are asking of me?", he leaned away and placed his hands inside of his lap, fixing his pose into a proper lotus position, "I need the boys tonight... Oroku Saki captured Mikey, and he's holding him captive, and I am not willing to lose another child by that man once more...my favor is quite simple, please", I picked up one of his hands and held it tight, "Until we come home, protect my daughters with your life and care for them...if I do not come back, please...care and raise them...raise them how I would have raised them myself, please", I looked down at Lita as she crawled out of my lap, running behind Yoshi, and messing with the makeshift glasses that sat on her head as she tossed his rat tailed, tapping it aggressively, "I promise, now you better get going, seems like the boys, have been listening for a while", Yoshi called out to the three, each one walked in with their own face of embarrassment, "And there's the another one-"

"Mama, Spiderman! I want to watch Spiderman!", Jennika smiled and poked her head out of the sling, "Tello, can we watch Spiderman, please!", April chuckled as she picked up Jennika and brought her over, placing her in my lap as well, "Hon, I don't know if they have Spiderman-"

"They-", Lita pointed towards the turtles then tapped her chest, "Kah-kah's and my brothas?", the boys chuckled as Lita talked to me, only for Jennika to pout her lip out, crossing her arms across her chest, "Lita~, Mikey said no! Right Mama?", I was shocked and looked up towards each one of the turtles, smiling softly, "Well Jenny, before your brother moved in with us, this was his old family, so yes these turtles brothers...would you like them to also be your big brothers as well", Lita smiled the biggest smile and ran towards Leonardo, hugging his leg, "Can we?! I want more big brothas, but...Mikey still our big brotha, right?", I smiled softly as I scratched Jennika's shell, listening to the small turtle chur quietly, pressing her body against my stomach, "Oh course, he is...now ummm, do you guys have movies?-"

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