{Chapter 16}

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A/N~I'm sorry guys, but from this chapter on I'm only posting on Sundays, I've been having a lot of writer's block and just have been too tired to even get out of bed, but don't worry you'll keep seeing more chapters to come. Again I apologize for this issue, and I'm posting early just because I will be busy with baking and will have no access to wifi. I hope you guys have an awesome Holidays, hope you enjoy the chapter, bye readers <3

~Ninty Minutes Ago~

POV 3rd Person (Donnie):

'Everything was going according to plan, everyone was doing their own thing as they continued to prepare for tonight's mission, collecting their weapons, and sharpening their blades', searching through the lab, Donnie scavenged through his drawers, and looked through each one, searching for his cord adapter. "Ah ha!", pulling out the cord, Donnie slid the wire into his satchel, placing it right beside his computer, wrapped nicely in a neat circle, and organized inside his bag. Walking off to the side, Donnie grabbed his bo and slipped into his holster, strapping it comfortably onto his shell, everything was ready, he was ready. Taking a deep breath, he ran the plan once more through his mind, memorizing his side of the plan, he wanted this to be perfect, he needed this mission to go perfectly, he needed Mikey to come home.

Walking to the open space in the lair, Donnie waited there as he held his gear close to his body, his computer packed inside his suitcase and his bo strapped to his back. "Yo, Don! Ready to head out?!", turning around, Donnie continued to scroll through his phone, tucking his phone away as he followed after Raph, racing towards the exit. "Alright everyone remember the plan?", each person nodded their head to Karai's question, Leo nodded his head as he turned to the rest of the group, switching his gaze between each person, making sure they were paying attention, "There are three floors that are used as a prison and laboratory, April and Casey will be on the top floor, Tang Shen and Karai will be on the floor below, Raph and I will be on the floor below theirs, and Donnie will be on the security floor, connecting all of the T-Phones directly to his computer while he searches for Mikey through the security cameras. Once he's spotted, everyone will immediately head to the floor Mikey's on, and once he's alone, bring him home, everyone got it?".

"We got it! Now come on, let's save that little weirdo", Raph ran down the tunnel with everyone on his tail. Sprinting down the tunnel, Donnie pressed his bag close to his side, ran up to the Shell Raiser, opening the door wide open, Raph inside, making his way straight to his post, and Donnie did the same. Sitting in his chair, he reached into his bag and pulled out seven small earplugs, placing them into each one's palm, "These are what we are going to use to communicate amongst eachother-", and demonstrated to everyone as he pointed where the device would go, "Raph. Leo, as for us, there is a strap that hooks onto our masks-", hooking on the earbud, Donnie ask each person to test their earbud, resulting in everything working, "Good, alright everyone, be ready, TCRI is approximately a mile down the road", walking towards his chair, Donnie sat down in his work station. 

Turning on his station, Donnie hacked back into TCRI's files, rechecking every single file he could think of that Mikey could be in, but there was nothing, doubt was the only thing he felt during the drive, Donnie never felt hope or anticipation, he just felt doubt. 'Is...Mikey even going to be there...what if...this was all a lie...', Donnie tried to think of anything, but every theory he thought of led to nothing, his body slouched over, and Tang Shen seemed to notice, walking over towards him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, and Donnie flinched away, relaxing once he noticed who it was, "Donatello...are you alright?", Donnie looked up towards her, his sorrowful filled face disappeared as he took a deep breath, brushing her hand off of his shell as he turned back towards the computer, "Yeah, I'm fine-", Donnie closed his eyes as he took in a calming deep breath, relaxing all his nervousness, 'I need to focus'

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