{Chapter 20}

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~Two Months Later~

POV Donnie:

Silence filled the room as we returned from the night's mission, 'We were excited, ready to see Mikey again, yet after checking the *Siiiggggghhhh*... hundred-second facility within the city, we still found nothing...everyone was silent, but what made it worse, was tonight was the first mission Mom stayed home for. Every single mission, Mom seemed so hopeful, so excited to see Mikey, to bring him home finally, but as each day passed she was beginning to give up, spending all her time with her girls...The girls... they're...starting to forget him, their minds aren't as strong as mine or even their older brothers, so that person they loved so dearly is leaving their mind until soon enough they'll question why we even go out every night or who even is their...baba. Guilt filled my stomach as the feeling was starting to affect me as well, I wanted to give up...but I can't, I can't give up on my brother after we just saw him two months ago, yet I wanted to. There were so many chances of us finding him, even some chances of him just telling us where he was, but he never told us...maybe this is what he wanted'.

Walking inside the lair, I made my way straight to my lab, and slid open the door, locking it up tightly right behind me, I needed to be alone, I wanted to be alone. Sliding down the door, I sat in silence, breathing deeply as I rested my head against my arms, and my eyes shut tight, "Dee?", Lita tapped on the door, but I didn't respond back, I was tired, if felt weird to speak, I didn't even want to speak, the feeling of the guilt and disappointment continued to overwhelm me, I squeezing my legs tighter, pulling them closer to my chest, "Leo?"

"I'm so tired, Lita but Leo's super tired right now, we can play later okay?"

"But Dee not talking! I saw Dee go in, but he not talking!", her small whines flowed past the large door, I could hear her, but I wanted to be alone, 'Please...I need silence...', Leo sighed loudly, "He probably fell asleep, wait a second shouldn't you be in bed? Alright come on-"

"Nooooo-", she continued to whine, I covered my ears, trying so hard to block out the noise, "I want to see Dee", her whines softened as they walked away, leaving me by myself, 'Finally...', I sat there as I pulled out my phone, scrolling through old photos of the family, whether that was pictures of my family now, or pictures of the family before Mikey left, yet, there was one photo I continued to stare, 'I forgot I even had this photo...god it feels like it's been...years...'

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Yo! Donnie open up! We need to discuss plans for the next missions", I didn't speak, all I could do was stare at the photo, Raph continued to yell softly as he slammed his fist against the door, yelling for me to open the door. Quietly I pushed myself off the floor and grabbed my laptop, making my way straight toward my spare bed, as I walked farther away from the large doors, the less I could hear the chaos, it felt nice...it felt calming. Reaching toward the nightstand, I grabbed my earbuds and connected them to my T-Phone, clicking a playlist I used to relax...to calm down to.

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