{Chapter 7}

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POV Leo:

"Goodbye Leo, please be better"

"Mikey! No, please! Just tell me!-", I continued to yell out for him, calling his name as I ran after him, but was no longer inside the void, I sat there, back inside the dojo, screaming loudly at the tree in front of me. Frustration filled me, and a knot formed inside my stomach as I slammed my fist on the ground, "GODDAMN IT!!!", pushing myself up, I kicked up the mat and walked over to the weapon shelf, ripping my swords off and shoved them into their holsters, "Leonardo, だいじょうぶですか?"

(are you alright?)

Shen's voice spoke quietly across the room, my body tensed up, I couldn't speak, I mean how could I, after a whole month of nothing, I finally got something, that Mikey was still alive, and now after all this time he finally remembers me, he remembers his family, yet I still didn't know where he was.

I didn't respond, I didn't know how, this was the woman that cared and protected Mikey for months, I knew I needed to say something, but what..., "I'm...not", her steps grew louder, and my body grew tenser the closer she came, until she stood next to me, every muscle in my body tensed up. She placed her hand on my shoulder, "I noticed you were meditating, you usually seem so tranquil afterward, but now...you look like you saw a ghost-"

"I saw him...", I finally said, turning my head away, "Before he was taken, I met Mikey in meditation, at the time I first saw him, he didn't remember us, but now...I saw him, he blamed himself for everything, he told me that all the things happening to him were for a reason...", I looked up to Shen as the grip on my shoulder tightened, "Did... he?", I shook my head, and walked towards the mat I kicked, rolling it up, and setting it off to where it belonged, "I asked him...I kept asking him, but he said he couldn't, that "he" would kill us...", She sighed and let go of my shoulder, walking away from the dojo, I followed after her, and stepped out of the dojo, "If that was truly him, I need to make sure...", placing my hand on my chin, I walked with her as she sat on the couch, sitting right next to her, "Before he finished he told me that the crystals he stole...that he left them in his room, if this was truly him, then the crystals should be there..."


(Then, let's go)

Pushing herself up, she walked towards the rooms, I jumped up from the couch, and followed after her, watching as she knocked on the door, waiting for an answer, "Raphael?", she got the signal and pushed the door open as I stood behind her, looking over her shoulder. "Ah the girls are sleeping, I'm gonna take Leonardo to my place to check something out, we'll be back in twenty minutes, can you watch them until I come back", Raph nodded and Shen closed the door quietly, making sure not to wake the girls.



(Wait so how are you going to take me to your place, it's still day out)

A little bit of light came through as she pushed up the manhole cover just a bit before fully moving it out of the way, "ここで待ってて"

(Wait right here)

She walked off towards her car, leaving the cover off barely, leaving me just enough room to peek through, watching as she slowly backed up her car and parked the car a few feet away. Jumping out of the van, Shen popped open the back of the vehicle, waving me in to enter, "Just lay down, I'll you know when", slamming the door, I curled up on the floor and looked around the back on the van, it was quite clean, the carpet well vacuum, and the sides dust free. Moving along with the car, I swayed back and forth.

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