{Chapter 5}

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POV Mikey:

'Where are you guys...', huddled on top of the bench with the blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I sat quietly in the dark all alone, waiting for today's meal, the same food Dannie and I ate for the last week, listening to the silence echo across the walls, I listened but...something was off. For what felt like forever no sounds were heard outside my cell, and no droids walked by my cell, not even Centi. Looking up at the clock, I was confused, it was 6:05, and I had not once heard Centi's approaching steps. 'Wait a second...', looking around the cell, I saw no sign of Dannie, usually, Dannie slept in until Centi woke him up, but he wasn't here.

"Mikey?", I jumped away as Dannie spoke my name, my breathing picked up as I stared at Dannie, his expression seemed so calm as he sat on the bench beside me, looking at me confused. I continued to stare at him as I placed my hand on the bench, lifting one of my fingers before I tapped the hard surface.

D U D E    W H E N    D I D    Y O U    G E T    H E R E

Dannie just stared at me, and pushed himself back further onto the bench, making himself more comfortable, he looked down at his hands as he messed with them, "I've been here the whole time....Hey Mikey?", Dannie turned his head down towards me, "Why are you up...you should be asleep", I looked down at my hands, not giving Dannie answer, and he only sighed, "When was the last time you slept?", I continued looked down away from Dannie and rested my head on my knees, "Mikey, I know I'm the worst person to explain health-", looking towards him as he motioned at his entire body but continued on, "But every single living creature needs sleep, you know that right?", Dannie placed his hand on my shoulder, waiting for my answer, I looked away and sighed quietly.

I    K N O W    I     A M     W A I T I N G    F O R    M Y    M O M

He listened as I tapped my finger against the bench, listening to the taps echo across the cell, "Why do you keep waiting for her... you know it's been a week...right?", I nodded and used my other hand to tap the bench.

I    K N O W    S H E S     C O M I N G

Dannie could only sigh as he pushed himself up from the bench, "Alright Mikey, well I'm heading to the lab, I have some work to do", and with that Dannie left, leaving alone in the cell. 'Where are you Mom?', I didn't tap any more sentences, I just tapped my fingers to a song I remembered, the last one I listened to, and looked up towards the window. Fear filled my belly as I stared at the window, a pair of eyes stared into my cell, never taking its eyes off me. A shadowy figure stood there, looking inside the cell saying nothing, but what made me scared was the fact that I never heard them coming. The figure raised its hand and tapped the glass, I knew it wasn't Morse code, it was just knocking, trying to get my attention, then turning off to the side, "HEY, GUYS! HE'S IN HERE!!!", I knew that voice, pushing the blanket off of my body, I ran towards the door and peeked out the window, 'Leatherhead?', I smiled as he backed away from the door, "Move out of the way!", sprinting off to the side, I pressed my shelled against the wall. Leatherhead's body hit the door over and over again, until finally the door fell off its hinges.

"Leatherhead!", jumping over the door, I leaped into Leatherhead's arms, and hugged him so tightly, rubbing my wet cheeks against his stomach, "My Friend...", Leatherhead wrapped his arms around me, tossing me onto his back, causing me to laugh as I sob, thanking him for rescuing me.

"Michaelangelo!", pushing away from the hug, I looked behind Leatherhead, only to smile even wider, "Mom! April! You actually came!", I pulled both of them into a hug as tears fell down my cheeks, I pressed my face into Mom's shoulder, wiping my tears into her clothes. Letting go of April, I pulled Mom into the biggest hug I could muster, sobbing loudly into her shoulder, Mom hugged me, shushing me as she scratched my shell, silence only filled by the sounds of my sobs and Mom's gentle shushes, but of course we couldn't hugged forever. April grabbed my shoulder and pulled us apart, giving me the most severe expression she could, "Mikey, we need to leave, where's Dannie".

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