{Chapter 17}

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Sorry for posting this chapter early again, just like last week, I will be busy, and prefer to socialize with my family, however next Sunday, chapters will be posted the same time, hope you like the chapter readers <3



POV 3rd Person(Mikey):

Mikey just stood there...leaning against the wall, glaring down at the creatures, and for the first time since the mutation moments ago, he felt free...Mikey finally felt like he was the one in control. Staring down at the humans and mutants that stood trembling in front of him, finally he was in control, yet he stood there confused, 'How am I...in control?', Mikey switched his gaze between each one, they held up their weapons, clenched firmly in their hands. Fear...that was what covered each one of their faces, their bodies were tense, they were scared of him...he was a monster. However, one didn't look at Mikey in fear instead she looked worried, a human with ginger hair walked towards the tall mutants, who in turn stepped away, the hissing grew louder, and his Kraang eye became sharper, "April, what are you doing-", Mikey in a swift motion turned his gaze towards the mutant that spoke, 'Wait I know that voice...Donnie?! Wait April?!', he switched his gaze between each one, his throat burned, and his eyes stung, yet nothing fell from his eyes. It was them...his family was here, 'No no no nonononono! They can't be here!', Mikey continued to step away from the girl's reach as the sound of droids' footsteps grew louder, "Collect the one known as Prisoner 013-202012-", Mikey turned around away from the group as he glared at the droids that stood behind him. His finger tapped the wall harshly, he kept repeating a word, over and over, hoping that one of them would understand.


Turning back to the group, Mikey looked at each one, his mind screamed leave, go home, yet his face held no emotion, 'Please leave! None of you are safe!'. Mikey crept closer towards the droids as he occasionally looked back at the group, their poise still tense and their weapons still held tightly in their hands.


"Wha- leave?...", a rough voice whispered out, Mikey turned around in a blink of an eye, staring at the group, switching his gaze between each one, 'One of them understands!', a chirp fell from his snout as he stared at the group, "The one that is known as 013-202012. Stand Down", the droids readying their weapons.


L E A V E    N O W     I T S     N O T     S A F E

"No. We're not leaving Lizard...thing. We're not leaving until we find our brother-", all of Mike's attention was brought to the turtle that wore the red mask, Mikey's face was flat, yet the turtle in turn gave Mikey a harsh glare, ready to fight, and find his captured brother, "Raph, what are you talking about?"

"This thing-", it hurt, the sound of his brother, Mikey's brother calling him a thing, '...thing?', the tall mutant's chest tightened and the sting inside his throat grew harsher, but Mikey knew now was not the time, he needed them to leave, Mikey wanted to leave, "-is telling us that we need to leave and that it isn't safe?! I'm not listening to this mutant!", he couldn't stay any longer, Mikey turned around as he stalked towards the droids, staring down at each one, standing almost a foot above the droids, "But how do you even know-"

"He's doing fucking Morse code, Leo!-", the lights flickered at them, and Mikey used that to his advantage, sprinting towards the droids, Mikey slammed my arm into the droids, and ripped the creatures from their metallic armor. Mikey hated these things, 'Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. DIE! DIE!', Mikey slammed the droids against the wall, he was lost again...Mikey punched the creature again and again, covering the wall in blood, and forming cracks from the destruction, Mikey was gone again. The mutant turned around as he licked his knuckles clean of blood, if the group wasn't terrible before they were now. For a good minute, the lights stayed on showing Mikey's current condition, showing them what they didn't see before in the darkness of these halls, blood dripped down his chin and his jaw hung loose, giving the group a full view of his unhinged jaw, it was a nightmare, this...was a monster.

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