{Chapter 6}

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~One Month Later~

POV Mikey:

'I've been waiting every single night, staring up at the window as I stayed up, waiting. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed awake and hid from the constant nightmares of my family finally saving me, only to be murdered at the very end. The droid blamed me for everything I did and said that none of this would be happening if I was just...grateful if I wasn't a brat. But the dreams weren't always the same, I had a choice, and they just felt so real, in the nightmares I took different routes, trying my best to escape the building, but it always ended with the lead scientist killing someone whether that was one person, or everyone, he would leave me alone, surrounded by someone's blood.'

'Yet for some reason, every nightmare was the same, however, there was one that left me terrified, frozen in place the moment my eyes shot open as I woke up. That dream felt different, I-..we made it out and were finally able to get home, but he...found us, and instead of killing my mom or friends he killed the twins...just the twins. My mom blamed me, blaming me for the circumstances that led to their death, I thought it was real, but it felt so real, watching as the small turtle fell limp in my arms, Lita cried as she stared at the droid that aimed it's gun up against her shell, I couldn't watch, but all I knew was that everything that lead to the point was my fault, any route, any strategy that could get me out of this hell hole, lead to the death of someone truly dear to me, and all I did was sit there and watch as death took them away, as Shinigami took there life'

'Shinigami that was the name I gave the lead scientist, I even told Dannie about the name, and for some reason, he thought it was very fitting and agreed to the name. Shinigami in Japanese culture is a god of death, there's no short version for his name, he honestly doesn't deserve one, the entire time he was on earth, he's tested on and murdered many innocent lives, just to improve inventions'

'Recently I noticed that on the clock above the door, in the corner showed the date, it was really small and hard to read, but if I stared long enough I could read the date, it was April 13, I didn't realize how much time has passed by, the only thing that tells us is the time, there's no sight of the sun or moon, just the clock, hanging above the door. Each day I stared at the clock, switching between it and the window, hoping that at any moment, Mom's face would appear, but it never did and what made it worse, filling my stomach with so much hate and guilt, was that as each day past by, the knowledge of knowing that my Mom never came...gave me a sense of relief, like I was happy that she didn't come, that she just left me here, not even trying to look for me, and I think I know why. I didn't want them to die, I didn't want anyone to die, because if they did I knew it was my fault...I knew part of me wished Mom would come, save us from this place, wondering where she is and why she hasn't saved me...but knowing that they're home safe is all I need to live on'

"Oy! Pequenito!-"

 'That was Centi's nickname for me, she never told me what it meant, I kept asking Dannie to tell me what it meant, but he never asked, and if he did know, he never told me'

"Flaco! Time for breakfast!"

'I was awake, I mean I have been for the past two days', pushing myself up, I rubbed my eyes, hearing the sound of Dannie, groaning above me, I looked up and watched as wrapped himself tightly inside his wings, causing me to smile siftly, still happy he's alright, "I'm not hungry, Centi...", Dannie whined, I was tired, yet the feeling of sleep never came, looking away from the door, I covered my head with the blanket, blocking out all the light, I couldn't talk so I just hissed, peeking out of the blanket through a small tear.

Centi walked towards me, and placed the bowl on the floor with the bag right next to it, placing her hand right on my shoulder, grabbing my attention, "Hey, did he eat yesterday?", she whispered quietly, looking down, I shook my head, "The day before?", pulling out my hand, and motioned to her, keeping my middle and thumb close together, almost touching but not. Centi sighed and stood to her full height, scratching the back of my head, "Alright, make sure he eats and you better eat, pequenito", she finished and closed the door, leaving me alone with my own thoughts. I smiled and placed my hand on top of my head, 'I like Centi, she's kinda like the grandma I never had', chuckling at the idea of Centi as my grandma, I reached down towards the bowl, and sat up on the bench, bringing the bowl close to my mouth, and sipping down the food. 'Over time I finally got used to the taste, honestly, I kind of liked the taste', looking up at the ceiling, Dannie continued to hide himself with his wings, lowering my hand to the bench, I continued to stare at Dannie as I set my bowl off to the side.

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