{Chapter 22}

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POV Donnie:

"A year...", anger filled my mind as I raced through the tunnels, my feet thumping against the wet concrete ground, making a sort of dripping effect, "A whole ffffff-", I slammed my fist against the concrete wall, grinding my jaw down, and gripping my fist even tighter, making the ends of my knucks become a pale green. I pulled my fist back and stared ahead of me, punching the wall over and over, smashing each fist into the wall as the skin slowly tore off, blood dripping slowly down my fingers,  it hurt, but I didn't care, "A WHOLE FUCKING YEAAAAAARRRR", with one final punch, I hit the wall, and fell to my knees, I felt lost, I just felt...worthless, 'The person I trust, who had equal smarts, maybe even better...lied to me...', I pushed myself up to my feet as I charged toward the lab, running in silence as the pads of my feet made not one sound, "Ha-...How could I be so stupid...", reaching down towards the ground, I yanked the door up, just enough for me to crawl inside and close the door, making only the slightest of noise, 'I need to talk to him-', groaning tired, I turned around only to be greeted by the people I had no time to talk to, "Guys, I don't have time right now, I need to talk to Bishop immediately-"


"No! Donatello, where were you?! It's Almost Two- Three in the morning!"

"Leo-", I groaned as I walked passed the group, my back facing them as I sat at my desk, searching around for my computer, ready to call Bishop the moment the time comes, "I don't have time for this, I seriously need to call Bishop-"

"No! Donatello, I am the oldest and your leader, so listen-", Rolling my eyes I noticed my computer over on the bed, right where I left it before leaving for my solo mission, 'Ooooooo the full name and leader tactic, god, like he hasn't used that every single time', picking up the computer I headed back to my desk, setting it next to the Kraang communication sphere, "oh my- Donnie if you don't listen, I will get sensei to deal with you-", that was it, that was exactly what set me off, "Oh! Now you want to be a fucking snitch! Leo Hah! I'm looking for our brother, you can ask Karai, guessing that's the one who snitched! Huh! Didn't you Karai?! Didn't know all of my siblings were freaking snitches!".

"Donatello!", Sensei yelled from the entrance of the lab, his tone angry, his very yell made me fall silent, so I looked down towards the ground "You are to listen to your leader, to follow his words, that is what will keep you all safe from harm", I understood what Sensei was saying yet, "But Sensei-"


"But Master Splinter?!"

"Donatello! Do I need to teach you Japanese once more!", I was confused when he said that, 'Of course I know Japanese, I'm the most well-versed in the language, I may not speak it a lot, but I knew it', so I shook my head as Sensei walked closer, "Then you should understand the word Yame...", Sensei stood a few feet from me, glaring down as he towered me, " Donatello you are grounded"

"What?! But Sensei, I did nothing wrong, I went on a mission to look for Mikey-"

"Which could have put your family in danger-"

"My family is in danger! Did you forget that Mikey was you son?!", Leo and Raph watched from a far, whispering amongst eachother, laughing under their breath, "Donatello, I will not continue this conversation! You are grounded from missions, and working inside your lab-", I couldn't believe what he was saying, 'He wanted me to do what?', stepping away from Sensei with my computer in hand and my pouch still wrapped over my shoulder, my back was pressed against the door, trembling in fear, but I felt something else... anger, I glared as Sensei continued to speak, "So you don't care about your son...", for some reason he said nothing, he just stood there, "He...Michaelangelo was given multiple chances to come home, to come back to his...family...yet he decided against it...I will not fight for a boy that does want to be found", my skin itched, my throat burned and my eyes stung, I had no idea how to feel, I just felt...overwhelmed, yet shock was what covered my face, but not just me, it even shocked the others behind him, 'He...what?!', I didn't want to be here any longer, I sighed angerly, and turned around, my face turned toward Sensei, "Fine", I watched as he quirked his brow, and just stood there, waiting for my next move, "Then I guess that includes me as well...", looking behind towards the others, and just stood there waiting for them speak up, to say that what Sensei said was wrong, but of course...they stayed silent. I chuckled as I scoffed at the others, Leo, Karai, god even Raph looked worried as they walked towards the conversation, standing right behind Sensei, muttering my name, "I knew you all were just gonna be a bunch of teacher's pets", Splinter kept himself walled between the others and I, his hand blocking my view of the others, "If you wish to leave, no ones stopping you..."

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