{Chapter 11}

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~Two Months Later~

POV Dannie:

I was awake, hanging off the side of the wall, my eyes hung open, tired from the hours of restless time, staring into space.

'Compared to most of the mutants in this facility, I have exquisite vision when it comes to the darkness, however, during the day, I have to squint my eyes or wear my goggles blocking out the brightest from the lights and lamps that lined the hallways and laboratories. Regardless, I may have a good scotopic vision, but I don't have...the best'.

I stared down from the ceiling as I switched my gaze between the clock and the turtle, laying down on the bench, and hiding inside his shell, the head hole facing the door, looking back up at the clock I sighed, 'It's only 5 in the freaking morning', knowing I wouldn't fall back to sleep, I groaned tiredly as I climbed down, climbing down the concrete wall almost similar to a ladder and landing right in front of the bench. "Uggghhhhh, I'm so tired...", I mumbled quietly, stretching my arm as the other scratched my side, and turning towards Mikey, "Hey I'm gonna head to the laboratory a little early-", I told Mikey, taking in a deep breath, I walked towards the door, giving it a gentle knock, "Tell Centi, I'm not hungry, and if they leave it with you, just...", I droid opened the door as I turned away from Mikey, "Just eat it, or put it in the corner, I don't care...", shuffling sounded behind me, but I didn't look back, and turned towards the droid, "I'm heading to the lab to work on the specimens", the droid only nodded and I made my way walking down the long quiet corridor.

'Mikey...I've been monitoring him for over a month, from the meeting up until this point, Mikey has become distant, talking and socializing with no one, and as much chatting as he could do, he hasn't used Morse code once since then. Leaving for his next job without telling me, and entering the room without a single noise he's just pure silence now, I've tried to talk to him, however, the moment he enters the cell he goes straight to the bench, hiding inside his own shell, not even tapping the benching saying he was going to sleep, honestly I'm not even sure if he goes to sleep when he goes inside his shell, yet I leave him alone, chatting to him as if he was listening. What makes it worse is from what I've seen he's even more distant from the eggs, he never looks at the eggs, and he hesitates when he looks at the projections, entering the physical structures. Mikey hasn't even once shown any form of connection with the specimens at all, it's starting to frustrate Bishop'.

Stopping in front of the lab, I began entering the code, listening to the button signals echoing across the hall with a buzz soon after. Pushing open the door, I entered the empty lab, climbing up the concrete stairs to the small laboratory that was cut off from the rest of the lab. Entering the next code, I pushed the door open and made my way straight over to the computer, logging into the system and opening up Mikey's hidden chart I created, the log didn't have his description, his height, his name, not even his species, all it held was his TCRI name, and an entry of every single visit only opened the moment he leaves the room. Bishop requested this, during each entry, Bishop ordered that I go into deep detail, describing what Mikey did, however, the only rule is, don't same his name, only refiring him by his code, 013-202012.


Finishing off Mikey's entry, I opened each one of the specimen's charts and turned back towards the eggs, measuring each egg's shape only to notice something odd, 'Did...did they move?', looking at each egg, I got grew nervous when I remembered something, 'The cameras!', racing towards my computer, I logged straight into the laboratory cameras, getting more nervous as I went into the security system, 'who came in here and touched the eggs?!'. Enlarging the footage to maximum size, 'Alright, so the eggs were in the same position yesterday before I left, but that was at ten at night, so who-', zooming through the footage, I came around the eleven at night mark, only to see, "Mikey?!".

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