{Chapter 2}

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POV Mikey:

'I can't sleep, I just can't, I need to be ready, Mom's coming to save me...I know she is', hours passed, but I continued to wait for her, scratching my uncut nails against my neck, the metal was starting to irritate my skin, clenching my neck. The collar dug uncomfortably and squeezed the air out of my throat, but there was nothing I could do, the moment I touched the metal and messed with its positioning, the trigger would signal, warning me to quit touching it. I pulled one of my hands away from my neck stared at my nails, disgusted as I stared at the blood that stained my nails, and tucked my hand underneath my arm. I winced and pulled my other hand away from my neck, 'I scratched too deep...', tucking my arms into my armpits, I continued to stare out the window as the pain stung harshly, 'Where are you, Momma...'.

'Alphabet...tap the alphabet', my hands needed to stay busy, no scratching, no harm. My mouth shaped to the letter as I tapped the bench, 'A...B...C...D...E...', I needed to stay awake, so I practiced. My hand went through the motion, tapping the bench until that finger grew sore, which then I would move on to the next, continuing to memorize every single letter, making it almost second nature, I even learned to spell words, my name, others names, even objects that I saw around the room, anything to keep me focused, anything to keep me up from falling asleep.

My eyes hung open as I continued to watch the door, listening...waiting to hear the sound of Momma's footsteps, waiting for her to come to my rescue. Sitting on the cold bench, I hugged my knees close to my chest and continued to stare out the small window, waiting for Mom's face to show up, showing me one of her biggest smiles, ready to take me home. Above the door was a futuristic digital clock, showing the time of the day, right now it was 6:50 in the morning, throughout the night I listened to the sounds on the other side of the door, memorizing the sounds, but all I heard was kraang droids walking by, the metal feet stomped against the porcelain ground. Every twenty minutes a krang droid passed by the cell, but it was different every single time, one moment it would be one droid, then the next would be two, then one the next time, but every single one was a droid, and nothing else.

I listened and heard footsteps walking toward the cell, 'What the-', the footsteps sounded much louder than usual, less metallic, and hundreds of taps echoed outside the cell. The steps walked closer and closer to the cell...then stopped in front of the cell, standing up to my feet, I ran towards the window and peeked outside, but all I could see was...a girl. The girl never looked up to the window and turned out to the side, her hands reaching for something.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*


As the door opened so slightly, I scanned around the room and decided to hide behind the door, finally, it opened all the way, revealing an older-looking mutant, their body looked somewhat like a centipede. Peeking around the door, I stared at the mutant and watched them look around the room until their dark soulless eyes landed on me. "Oy! Food's ready!", they turned towards the bench and placed down two objects, a bowl, and a small clear sack, "OY FLAQUITO! *Clap* *Clap* Get up, foods here!".

"*Snort* Huh? Ughhhhhhh already?", Dannie whined and covered his face with his wing, which only angered the mutant even more, "¡¿Qué dije?! ¡Quita tu trasero de esa pared ahora!", Dannie yawned as he climbed down the wall, sitting right on the edge of the bench, rubbing his tired eyes, "Centi, I only learned a little bit of Spanish, if you want me to learn~, You're gonna have to teach me~", he placed the sack on his lap, and looked over at me, "Mikey get over here, your foods here-"

"And yours too", creeping over to the bench, I sat down and continued to look at the centipede, she noticed and glared at me "Hey, got a staring problem kid?", shaking my head, I began eating my gruel. "Hey, Flaquito, is this kid mute or something?", looking over at Dannie, I watched as he pulled out a clear tube, and connected the bag, beginning to pump the food into the tube. "Actually, the Kraang created a collar that makes him unable to speak", he stared at the bag, squeezing it slowly, 'Yeah, don't forget shocks me to death', finishing off the bowl, I handed it to the mutant, giving them the biggest smile, wiping the gruel off my face onto my arm, "Hey, don't-, god you're making such a mess! *Sigh*, well you better finished off your food, can't have you passing out again", grabbing my bowl, she left the cell leaving it completely unlocked.

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