{Chapter 14}

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~Four Months Later~

POV 3rd Person(Tang Shen):

"Where is he...", standing inside her bathroom, Shen stared at the mirror, her breath seething through her teeth as her breath grew heavier, she was alone, the twins were with the boys, and Miwa continued her nightly searches, Shen didn't know what Miwa did during those patrols, but here she was instead of looking for her son, she was alone...standing inside her bathroom. "Where is you", her arms trembled as she gripped her hair tightly, almost to the point she ripped her hair out. "Son, where are you...", in one quick swipe, all of the material on the counter fell to the ground, glass facial products shattered, and heavy objects flew across the room putting dents in the walls. "Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he. Where is he?!", Shen glared at the mirror, her face looked destroyed, sleepless night hung under her eyes, and her cheeks sunken in, she looked terrible, Shen knew that, but she never cared, she wanted him back, she wanted Mikey back. As the months passed by, moving from one month to two, to three, to four...she felt like a failure, she failed to find her son.

Shen slammed her fists on the counter, slamming them over and over and over, until she pulled her fist back, slamming them one last time on the mirror, only taking a moment for the glass to shatter as her fist collided with its reflection, cracks spread across the large mirror as pieces of shards fell straight into the sink, shards stuck to the women's hands, pieces barely embedded onto her skin, but she didn't care. She hasn't cared about her health for months, for almost half a year...

Staring down at her hands, blood dripped down her arms, "Mikey...", she called out Mikey's name, wanting her son to come home, but the name fell off silent ears.

She was alone inside her home, her home felt so empty, no life, no fun, nothing. Shen's phone continued to ring, and she knew why, she hadn't seen anyone for weeks, almost an entire month, Yoshi acted as the twins' father while Shen was away, and Miwa...she does come home, but its always so late that when she does, she never tells me she's home, or when she's leaving. Shen's not even sure Miwa lives with her anymore, her home always stayed clean, Shen used cleaning as her only coping mechanism, but she was never truly cleaning the house, instead, she cleaned it and made the rooms, look identical to the day Mikey disappeared. Leaning against the counter, Shen fell to her knees and pressed her forehead against the counter, "I...am a terrible...human being...I-", painful tears seeped from the ducts in her eyelids, streaming down her cheek, what was strange though is the fact that she wasn't sad, in fact she was the opposite, anger and hatred were the only emotions Shen was feeling that moment.

Clenching her fist tightly, her nails dug into her palms, and slammed her fist against the cabinets, punching each cabinet, the skin on her knuckles began bleeding, staining the nice wood with prints of fresh blood, "Useless.useless.useless.useless.USELESS!!!", each time she repeated that word to herself, her nails dug deeply into her arms, "Why am I so useless?!", Shen seethed underneath her breath.


The door flew open, and the loud bang of the door slamming against the wall was the only noise heard inside this room, Shen just stared at the doorway, Miwa stood there staring down at her trembling mother, with the turtles right behind her, Donatello held Lita, while Raph held Jennika, "Mom-"

"Oh, I'm so sorry about the mess, honey! I tripped over the mat, just please wait inside the livingroom-", Shen winced in pain, shards of glass were still stuck inside her hand. Shen wiped her faces clean with the back of her arm, cleaning away the sweat and tears, "Mom your hand-"

"Miwa, I'm fine, alright-"

"Shen...", Shen knew that voice, 'why is he here, he never leaves the sewers, so why-", Shen turned her gaze away from the doorway as she continued to clean, which was only responded by a tired sigh, Shen continued to pick up the facial products, placing them back messily on the counter. "Boys. Miwa, please wait inside the living room, while I talk to your mother", their mother... it felt odd, years passed and so much happened. Within just a few years, Shen went from two kids to three, to seven, it felt like a lot, she felt so overwhelmed, but she loved them, they were her kids, and she loved each one with so much care, she loved them equally, yet all of this overwhelmed her.

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