{Chapter 28}

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(Four Months Later~)

POV Donnie:

'Everything is going great...'

'Everything...is going...'


'After two months, Mikey finally spent time outside the nursery, spending time with me as I worked on some experiments, he even put in some feedback, what chemicals would work better, and just some ideas he threw in the air, sometimes though he would just sit next to me, listening as I chatted away talking to myself about possible ideas, he knew I wasn't talking to him in those moments, yet he stayed... over the last two months, it did take some time for him to let me spend time with him inside the nursery, but he did, he even let me move inside the nursery, it was honestly quite a sight to see, a warm room calibrated to the perfect basking temperature for turtles and a nest for the turtles to rest inside, it was perfect. I wondered for so long who made the nest, so I asked him, and he told me he did, but that filled my mind with more questions, but...I never asked'

'As the days became weeks, which slowly turned into months, after some time I continued to work on the remote, trying anything to mess with the controls, for months I tried to find a way for the collar to stop its role, but it kept on letting Bishop know it was still working, so that's what I did. As Mikey rested throughout the nights, I worked on the computer that's connected to this lab, using the only free time I had where I was left alone, and worked on the remote, until finally...counting thirty days, twelve hours, two minutes and fifty-nine seconds ago, I finally was able to break the remote's properties. The collar continues to monitor Mikey's heart rate, sending the information straight to Bishop, however, his collar no longer monitors his position, instead the remote constantly sends Bishop its position, which I keep in my pocket, only ever taking it out before I leave the lab...'

'I still haven't told Mikey, but so far I can tell it's working. I've listened carefully to calls between Centi and Bishop, and nothing was ever brought up about the collar or the cameras, so... it's working. I know he would be mad if he ever found out, everything will be ruined if he ever found out, so I won't tell him...not just yet...but for now I continued my research. Not on the collar, instead, I continued to look deeper into perfecting the retro-mutagen, the itemized bonding has become more unstable by the month. Mikey has been naming off some possible chemicals and materials to add that could help, so I tried them and only a few have helped. Compared to a month ago, the retro-mutagen has become more stable, but something's missing...maybe I can find the answer here...'

Placing a drop of retro-mutagen on the glass slide, I slid the pane underneath the scope, and looked through the eyepiece, watching as the mutagen bonding rate was slower than before, I was frustrated as I groaned. I pulled away from the microscope and rubbed my eyes, trying so hard to rub away the fatigue that flowed through my body, I wanted to go to bed, to sleep forever until my body told me it was time to wake up, but I couldn't, I needed to fix this, to perfect this mutagen. I rested my elbows on the edge of the table, and placed my head on my hands as I breathed in...and out slowly, I needed to calm down...I needed to breathe...



"Wha...", I looked off to the side where my two satchels laid off, lazily thrown against the wall the day I first came to live in this lab. Walking over to the pouches, I crouched down and grabbed my bag, flipping over the cover and pulling out my T-phone, 'a text...', the first one I've had in eight months..., I slowly entered my password in as I walked back towards the microscope, falling into the chair as I leaned against the table, scrolling straight to my recent message.


Casey Jones: Hey Dee

Casey Jones: I know you've been gone for a while, but me and April just want to say we miss you. Everything's starting to seem so fucking depressing and dull since you left, honesty, I haven't been back there since you left, it just isn't the same without you and Mikey there anymore, I know that you probably won't answer, but please come back Raph and Leo aren't the same since you and Tang Shen and her kids left, so please come home

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