Your not taking my girl

19 1 7

Maisie : hey you alright ?
Tali : yeah I'm just a bit bothered by Millie and Milli
Maisie : who's Milli ?
Tali : oh she's filling in for Richelle
Maisie : oh right
Tali : Maisie I'm so sorry for what happened to you , I can't believe Richelle would do that to you
Maisie : I know but don't worry about it
Tali : Maisie you could of died
Maisie : yeah but I didn't
Tali : look your one of my closest friends here I can't let anything happen to you
(Tali holds Maisie's hand)
Maisie : just a friend ?
Tali : yeah
Maisie : look it's just the thing that happened at prom
Tali : I know but we don't need to talk about that
Maisie : right yeah of course not
Tali : I'm gonna be ok and we're gonna win regionals together we don't need richelle ok
Maisie : yeah your right
Tali : come here
(Maisie hugs Tali)
Tali : I'm going to go find Millie
Maisie : yeah see ya
(Tali goes to see Millie)
Tali : hey I thought we were rehearsing the duet
Millie : yeah we are Milli just wanted me to show her around
Tali : well it doesn't take that long
Millie : alright we can do it now
Tali : ok
(Tali and Millie start rehearsing)
(Millie's phone goes off)
Tali : what is it now ?
Millie : Riley wants me I'll be back in a second
Tali : Millie
(Maisie gets to the hospital)
James : did you know this magazine is from 1981
Maisie : what ?
James : look it's all black and white
Maisie : James why are you here ?
James : well Noah is stuck in rehearsals so he asked me to take you to the hospital
Maisie : oh right
James : you nervous ?
Maisie : yeah I'm scared
James : don't worry you'll be ok
Maisie : how do you do that ?
James : what ?
Maisie : be so positive do you never think about the negatives ?
James : no never because I always have a positive mind set and that's what you should have as well
Maisie : I'll try
Millie : hey Riley you wanted to see me ?
Riley : yeah Milli was actually thinking that you and her could do a duet together maybe for regionals
Millie : oh umm that's nice but me and Tali kinda have something already
Riley : Millie she's new it would be nice to chance for her to feel comfortable being in A troupe it would be a nice way to show the team what she can do
Millie : umm ok sure I guess
Riley : great
Millie TH : I'm in trouble
Daisy : hey Tali you alright ?
Tali : yeah just waiting for Millie
Daisy : oh right , well I got you a juice
Tali : oh thanks , so how's things with Maisie ?
Daisy : yeah it's going slowly but I think it's going good and I can't wait for the future
Tali : yeah regionals is gonna be good
Daisy : yeah I still can't believe we're going to regionals
Tali : yeah
(Millie runs back to Tali)
Millie : hey
Tali : hey you ready to rehearse ?
Millie : umm about that
Tali : what ?!
Millie : Riley wants me to do a duet with Milli
Tali : seriously Millie I thought you wanted to do this
Millie : well yeah I did but she's new and Riley wants me to work with her , what do you want me to do Tali
Tali : tell her we had a duet
Millie : well we didn't
Tali : no we didn't because we haven't rehearsed anything because you kept running off
Millie : this is not my fault , Riley didn't give me a chance
Tali : well we can't change anything now
Millie : where are you going ?
Tali : to speak to Maisie
(Tali walks off)
Milli : hey you ok ?
Millie : yeah
Milli : is she ok ?
Millie : yeah it's just Riley wants us to do a duet together but Tali wanted to do one
Milli : well I mean it might be a good way for us two to connect with each other
Millie : yeah I just feel bad for Tali she really wanted this
Milli : Millie this is regionals Tali will be alright
Millie : yeah I guess
(Milli hugs Millie)
(Tali goes to the hospital to see Maisie)
Tali : unbelievable
Maisie : what ? , what's happened ?
Tali : stupid Milli she's been to Riley and oh yeah I think me and Millie could make a great duet
Maisie : Tali you seem a bit jealous
Tali : jealous , she's just come here and acts like she owns the place
Maisie : she is new though you could give her a chance
Tali : alright fine I'll give her a chance
Maisie : good
Tali : are you gonna be ok ?
Maisie : yeah of course don't worry about me , it's just an operation
Tali : yeah but some operations can be risky
Maisie : i'll be alright honestly Tali you don't need to worry
Tali : ok well I care about you
Maisie : yeah I care about you too
Tali : can I have a hug ?
Maisie : yeah sure
(Tali hugs Maisie)
Maisie : Tali your being a bit dramatic I'll see you in a few hours when I wake up
Tali : yeah of course I umm should go and talk to Millie
Maisie : ok
Tali : good luck Maisie
Maisie : thanks
(Tali goes back to the studio and bumps into Milli)
Milli : oh hey bestie
Tali : we're not friends
Milli : oh I'm sorry about that
Tali : what's your game ?
Milli : umm I don't have a game ?
Tali : no I don't trust you
Milli : oh I'm sorry you feel that way
Tali : whatever your doing with Millie it's not gonna work , Millie is my girlfriend , you need to back off
Milli : are you threatening me ?
Tali : consider it a warning
Milli : oh wow I really should be scared then , well I'll tell you one thing Tillie , you better hold on tight to your girl , cause I'm coming for her
(Milli barges Tali)
(Noah gets to the hospital)
Noah : hey
Maisie : hey
Noah : how you feeling ?
Maisie : yeah I'm alright
Noah : well I just wanted to wish you good luck and I'll see you when you wake up
Maisie : yeah Noah I love you , you know that right
Noah : yeah of course and I love you too
Maisie : your a great dancer and a great dance captain and you've helped me so much
Noah : umm thanks but why are you saying all this ?
Maisie : look just go and win regionals and make me proud ok
Noah : Maisie your not making any sense
Maisie : just don't worry about it , I'll see you when I wake up
(Maisie goes for her operation)
Daisy : hey Tali you ok ?
Tali : I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about something
Daisy : about what ?
Tali : I don't know something just doesn't feel right
Daisy : is it about Milli ?
Tali : no just something doesn't feel right
Tali TH : when I get a bad feeling about something then I know it's not good
Closing titles

Got it figured out the hard way Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon