The double engagement party

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Riley : hey guys I have an announcement Poppy and Macy and Giselle and Amanda are engaged
Scarlett : wow that's amazing
Freya : yeah congrats guys
Macy : thanks
Poppy : yeah thanks
Giselle : aww congrats you two you seem like such a good couple
Poppy : thanks you too
Giselle : why don't we have a double engagement party
Macy : oh no we're alright you don't need to do that
Giselle : no not at all we would love that
Amanda : yeah we would
Poppy : yeah great sounds good
(The engagement party)
Noah : hey congrats guys
Poppy : Noah
Noah : yeah
Macy : it's good to see you how are you doing ?
Noah : I'm not great but I'll get through it
Macy : thanks for coming
Noah : it's alright
(Giselle brings back the old A troupers)
Stephanie : omg I can't believe I'm back
Thalia : it feels so good to be back
Eldon : it's good to be back
Hunter : yo bro
Eldon : hey what's up man
Hunter : I'm good
James : what's up man ?
Hunter : I'm good bro congrats man on your relationship
James : oh thanks bro
Eldon : and the baby
James : yeah
Michelle : omg Stephanie
Stephanie : hey I missed you so much
Michelle : aww me too
Emily : it's good to have you all back
Giselle : umm guys I have an announcement , we are having a tour !
Amanda : An Original A troupe tour
(Poppy and Macy look down)
Emily TH : I can't wait it's gonna be amazing
Summer : that's great guys
Poppy : you ok ?
Macy : yeah it's just we're in B troupe Pops , we're not gonna be doing anything , we're not going to regionals we're just dancers
Poppy : yeah but we will be
Macy : Poppy I want to be going to competitions not just doing pointless rehearsals that don't lead up to anything
Poppy : what are you saying ?
Macy : I don't know if I belong at the next step anymore
Poppy : you can't leave
Macy : Daisy gets to go to regionals are you not bothered by that ?
Poppy : well yeah but I never thought of it like that
(Summer hears the conversation)
Macy : anyways let's enjoy the party
Poppy : yeah
Summer TH : I feel for Macy , B troupers should have a chance to go to regionals
(Cade walks in)
Cade : hey Macy
Macy : Cade
Macy TH : this isn't good
Closing tittles

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