New connections

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(If you've read my season 9 book I'm gonna be including a few characters from that in this book as well so stay tuned)
Jacquie TH : me and Richelle are rehearsing our duet but we're just not getting it
Jacquie : your supposed to lift me
Richelle : I wasn't ready let's do it again
(Richelles sister walks in)
Scarlett : hey sis
Richelle : hey you alright ?
Scarlett : yeah look umm I need a favour
Richelle : ok sure what's up ?
Scarlett : I've been paired up to do a duet with poppys sister and I don't know what to do
Richelle : why what's the problem with that ?
Scarlett : it's just I kinda get nervous around her
Jacquie : why don't you just talk to her , just get to know her and let her ease around you and then maybe ask to hang out with her
Scarlett : wow thanks Jacquie
Jacquie : it's ok
Richelle TH : I'm impressed how well Jacquie handled that situation
Richelle : that was actually good advice
Jacquie : yeah I used to help people with their problems
Richelle : so you were like a therapist ?
Jacquie : I mean I guess so yeah
Richelle : wow ok
Richelle TH : I can't believe I'm learning so much about Jacquie maybe she's not as bad as I thought she was
Richelle : I remember when A troupe were going to nationals and I got paired up with Emily and I kinda had an attitude and I was trying to be the dance captain and I guess she kinda helped me
Jacquie : that's cool , I always thought you were a great dance captain I mean in TNS east you were really good
Richelle : thanks Jacquie you know getting dance captain taken away from me was hard
Jacquie : I know but you will get it again I know you will
Richelle TH : Jacquie just understands me , I really like her
Richelle : Jacquie after the duet , I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner with me..
Jacquie : what ?
Richelle : just as friends of course
Jacquie : yeah sure I'd love to
Richelle : great
Jacquie TH : did Richelle just ask me on a date
Richelle TH : it's not a date , definitely not a date , did I just ask Jacquie on a date
(Scarlett is in studio B)
Summer : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : hey summer
Summer : how are you doing ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm alright
Summer TH : me and Scarlett used to dance together a lot and we're actually good friends
Scarlett : I have a duet with poppy's sister
Summer : oh nice daisy right ?
Scarlett : yeah that's her
Summer : Scarlett are you blushing
Scarlett : no of course
Summer : ok then well I'll see you later
Scarlett : yeah
(Poppy and Daisy walk in)
Poppy : hey scarl
Scarlett : hey you alright ?
Poppy : yeah so this Daisy she's a bit shy but she's great when you get to know her , so good luck with your duet
Scarlett : thanks
Scarlett TH : I've had a crush on daisy for a while now but I never said anything and that's the way I want it to stay
Scarlett : hi Daisy
Daisy : hey
Scarlett : so should we umm do the umm duet
Daisy : yeah that sounds good
Scarlett : great yeah
Scarlett TH : I don't get nervous I never get nervous why am I nervous
(Richelle and Jacquie show Michelle and Emily their duet)
Emily : it's getting better
Michelle : yeah it is guys well done
Jacquie : it looks so much better
Richelle : yeah it does
(In studio 1)
Daisy : so I was thinking we could go down and then I could do a barrel jump over your back
Scarlett : yeah..
Scarlett TH : wow daisy she's just so cute
Daisy : so what do you think ?
Scarlett : oh umm yeah looks good
(Noah is spending time with his cousin)
Noah : hey how's it going ?
Maisie : yeah good I got paired up with Freya for a duet
Noah : nice your gonna do great
(Summer walks in)
Noah : oh hey summer
Maisie TH : wow summer she's absolutely insane her dancing , her smile her eyes just everything about her is just amazing
Noah : this is my cousin Maisie she's on J troupe
Summer : hey Maisie
Maisie : hi
Noah : yeah actually Maisie me and summer we're gonna go over some choreography for the regionals routine so maybe you should go work on your duet
Maisie : duet what duet oh right yeah mine , yeah bye cuz , bye sum , bye
Summer : that was weird
Noah : yeah she can be sometimes
(Maisie bumps into Daisy)
Maisie : oh sorry
Daisy : no it's ok
Maisie : I'm Maisie
Daisy : Daisy
Maisie : we're on J troupe together but we haven't spoken much
Daisy : no I know I guess I was just a bit shy
Maisie : yeah same
Daisy : well umm I've got a duet to do but umm I'll see you , see you around
Maisie : yeah I hope I do soon
(Daisy smiles and walks off)
Maisie TH : well today has been an interesting day
Closing titles

Got it figured out the hard way Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora