Plan backfires

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(Jack goes over to Scarlett)
Jack : hey I need your help with something
Scarlett : what is it ?
Jack : listen to this
(Scarlett hears the recording)
Scarlett : omg
Jack : we've got to stop him
Scarlett : how are we gonna do that ?
Jack : look he said he was going to meet somewhere on the phone so if we go to where that is then we can get there before he does
Scarlett : and your sure this will work
Jack : yeah of course it will , we have to do this for the team
Scarlett : ok
(Phoebe hears the conversation)
Phoebe : hey guys what's going on ?
Jack : umm nothing me and Scarlett just need to go somewhere
Scarlett : yeah
Phoebe : go where , we've got rehearsals
Jack : umm Noah actually asked us to umm pick up the costumes right
Scarlett : yeah the costumes
Jack TH : I don't want Phoebe knowing where we're going because she could tell Noah and then the plan will go wrong
Jack : just trust us ok
Phoebe : umm ok
Phoebe TH : something is definitely going on and I don't want them to get hurt
(Macy bumps into Phoebe)
Macy : hey
Phoebe : hey look umm I can't talk right now
Macy : why what's going on ?
Phoebe : there's just something I need to do
Macy : but I need to talk to you
Phoebe : you can ok just not right now I'll be back I promise
Macy : ok wait
Phoebe : what
(Macy kisses Phoebe)
(Phoebe runs after Scarlett)
Phoebe : hey Scarlett wait
Scarlett : what are you doing Phoebe ?
Phoebe : I'm coming with you
Scarlett : what no you can't
Phoebe : Scarlett please
Scarlett : alright fine but hurry up
(Phoebe and Scarlett follow Kingston)
(Riley starts getting cramps)
Tali : you ok ?
Riley : yeah just got cramps the baby is due soon
Tali : oh right..
Riley : I'm sorry I won't talk about it if you don't want me to
Tali : no it's fine , the babies gonna have the best parents
Riley : aww thanks Tali I wish things had worked out for you
Tali : yeah thanks
Jack : hey sis have you seen Scarlett anywhere ?
Tali : oh yeah she just went out with Phoebe
Jack : what ?
(Jack runs out the room)
Scarlett : what is this place ?
Phoebe : I don't know
(Phoebe finds notes about all the teams for nationals)
Phoebe : they know everything about every team their weaknesses and everything
Scarlett : we could use that , if we know what the other teams weaknesses are then we make our routines better
Phoebe : yeah good idea
Scarlett : quick get the paper and let's get out of here
(Phoebe grabs the paper)
Phoebe : wait the doors locked
Scarlett : we've been set up , someone must of known we were coming here
(Two boys in a hoodie walk over to Scarlett and Phoebe)
Phoebe : Scarlett run !
Scarlett : I'm not leaving you here on your own !
Phoebe : just run Scarlett , go now !
(Scarlett runs out the room)
Phoebe : look this is just a misunderstanding
(Phoebe kicks one of the boys)
(Phoebe tries to get out of the room)
(The other boy pulls Phoebe back and pushes her onto the floor)
(Scarlett keeps running but she starts to get out of breathe)
Scarlett TH : oh I don't feel too good
(Jack sees Scarlett)
Jack : hey hey are you ok ?
Scarlett : it's phoebe , whoever was in there , they set us up , they've got Phoebe
Jack : what do you mean they've got her ?
Scarlett : they've got hold of her , she's in danger Jack
Jack : don't worry she's gonna be alright ok
(Jack hugs Scarlett)
(Phoebe is tied up in a room)
Phoebe : hello ! , anyone , someone help me !
Closing titles

Got it figured out the hard way Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora