We have to find her part 1

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Scarlett : Poppy where are we going ?
Poppy : you can stay at my house
Scarlett : what and you don't think Richelle is gonna notice that I'm gone
Poppy : look I'm not letting you stay in hospital Scarlett , you didn't deserve what happened to you I'm trying to protect you
Scarlett : Poppy I'm not well though
Poppy : you will be , ok I can look after you
Scarlett : Poppy I'm confused one minute you didn't even want to talk to me and now you suddenly care so much about me
Poppy : I've always cared about you
Scarlett : oh Poppy just let me go
Poppy : no I'm not letting you go back there please Scarlett trust me
Scarlett : fine
(Phoebe sees Macy)
Macy : Phoebe ?
Phoebe : hey
Macy : what happened ?
Phoebe : I got injured so I can't dance for a while so I thought I might as well come back and watch some rehearsals
Macy : look Phoebe I'm really sorry for ruining your chance to go on tour
Phoebe : no it's fine don't worry about it , I heard about Scarlett , how's she doing ?
Macy : yeah she's umm ok she's in hospital recovering
Phoebe : oh that's good I might go and see her
Macy : yeah you should well I've got to get to rehearsals so see you later
Phoebe : yeah see ya
(Jack goes to see Heath)
Heath : let me guess busy
Jack : no wait I'm sorry for being so weird with you recently but I want you to know that I like you a lot
Heath : really ?
Jack : yeah
Heath : well that's good cause I like you as well
Jack : do you wanna go on a date ?
Heath : yeah sure
Jack : great I'll see you later then
Heath : yeah
Heath TH : I'm so happy he actually likes me
Tali : hey
Maisie : hey I feel bad for Scarlett
Tali : same but anyways I thought maybe tonight we could go on a date
Maisie : a date ?
Tali : yeah or not
Maisie : yeah I'd love to there's just a lot going on in the studio right now
Tali : I know there's always something
Maisie : how are you now , I mean with the baby ?
Tali : I'm ok , it was a lot to process but I mean there's other chances for me to have a baby
Maisie : yeah there is
Tali : but for now we focus on nationals yeah
Maisie : of course or Noah will go mad with us
Tali : yeah he will come on let's go
Maisie : yeah
(Poppy takes Scarlett into the house)
Scarlett : so what are you going to do , keep me here for ages
Poppy : no just until you've recovered
Scarlett : you haven't even given me chance to
Poppy : Scarlett your not gonna get better with a hospital you need your friends around you
Scarlett : what about Richelle , she needs me right now
Poppy : she will be ok , look Scarlett you have to understand what I'm doing is best for you
Scarlett : I guess
(Phoebe goes to the hospital)
Richelle : oh Phoebe hey
Phoebe : hey I heard what happened are you ok ?
Richelle : yeah just a broken shoulder and broken rib but I'll live
Phoebe : that's good , I umm I came to see Scarlett
Richelle : oh she's through there
Phoebe : ok thanks
(Phoebe walks in)
Phoebe : umm
Richelle : what ? , what's wrong ?
Phoebe : it's Scarlett.. she's not there
Richelle : what do you mean she's not there , of course she's there
(Richelle goes into the room)
Richelle : no , where's Scarlett ?! , she's not well she can't go out of hospital
Phoebe : wait what do you mean ?
Richelle : Scarlett she's picked up this illness , it makes feel faint all the time and dizzy it effects her heart and her lungs sometimes she won't be able to breathe properly, and if she's not in hospital then she's not gonna get better
Phoebe : don't worry I'll go and try and find her
Richelle : ok thanks
(Phoebe goes outside the hospital)
(Phoebe sees a blonde girl running)
Phoebe : Daisy ?
Phoebe TH : I must be hallucinating I did not just see daisy did I ?
Closing titles

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