The send off

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Jacquie : hey Michelle , Emily can I talk to you?
Emily : sure
Jacquie: I umm since Richelle left I haven't been feeling great about the studio or the team and I umm I can't do it
Emily : what are you saying ?
Jacquie : I'm leaving the next step
Emily : so you won't be going to regionals then ?
Jacquie : no I'm sorry I just need to focus on myself
Emily : it's fine Jacquie we understand
Jacquie : really ?
Emily : yeah
(Jacquie leaves the office)
Michelle : what just happened ?
Emily : I don't know Michelle
Michelle : what are we gonna do ?
Emily : we can get two B troupers and bring them up
Michelle : two ?
Emily : yeah one to fill Jacquie and one to fill Richelle
Michelle : I thought Milli was here ?
Emily : she was only filling in , They've gone back to England
Michelle : but they said they were staying here
Emily : well they changed their mind
Michelle : so who do we need ?
Emily : I know just the two to bring up
(Emily and Michelle hold an meeting)
Emily : guys listen up , Jacquie has decided to leave the next step
Noah : what ?
Daisy : regionals is literally in a few days
Emily : don't panic guys we just need to fill the spots so we are getting two B troupers to join the team
Ozzy TH : B troupe , that could be Heath then I might finally have a chance with him , I mean umm nothing
Daisy TH : if there bringing two B troupers then I could have Poppy and Macy on the team and everything would be perfect
Maisie TH : I hope they bring Scarlett up , it would give us a chance to reconnect
Emily : so the two dancers we have decided on is...
Michelle : Olive and Ariana
(Olive and Ariana walk in)
Olive : hey guys
Ariana : hey
Emily : ok so we don't have a lot of time left so you need to pick up the routine fast
(Riley is in her office stressing about the rooms)
Riley : what ? , no that can't be
(Finn walks in)
Finn : hey
Riley : oh hey you ok ?
Finn : yeah just wanted to make sure your ok , you seem stressed
Riley : oh no I'm fine
Riley TH : there's just so much to do , with regionals right around the corner , and me slightly being in charge of the studio again , and then last time we lost regionals and that was my fault and it's just stressful
Finn : well I could help with something
Riley : no no you can't actually , ok Finn I need you to go around everyone and find out who they want to share a room with
Finn : ok I'm on it
Finn TH : if Riley wants my help then she's gonna get the best Finn help forever
(Tali goes to the airport)
Tali : Millie
Millie : hey , I told you I would be back
Tali : I missed you , look we need to go back now
Millie : ok let's go
(Millie and Tali run back to the studio)
(Ariana goes over to Olive)
Ariana : hey
Olive : hey
Ariana : isn't it great that we're on A troupe now
Olive : yeah it's great
Ariana : I thought we could share a room together
Olive : no I might go with someone else
Ariana : Olive please I'm sorry
Olive : we should be rehearsing
Noah : hey guys everything ok ?
Ariana : yeah
Olive : yeah
Noah : good cause I need you two to stay focussed
Millie : hey guys
Noah : Millie , seriously where did you go ?
Millie : I just needed some space from the studio
Noah : I get it that Millie but not a few days before regionals we need to tidy the routines ok
Maisie : Noah calm down your gonna stress yourself out
Noah : I already am stressed ok
(Maisie goes out the studio)
Noah : umm where are you going ?
Maisie : I just need to talk to someone
Noah : no your little chat can wait we need to rehearse , so no one is going anywhere until this is perfect , and I mean perfect !
Finn : hey piper who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Piper : umm Amy
Finn : ok thanks , Amy who do you want to share a room with for regionals ?
Amy : piper
Finn : oh yeah piper said you and you said piper yeah ok
Noah : Finn what are you doing, what's that ?
Finn : oh I'm just helping Riley
Noah : ok well do it quick
Finn : got it
Finn : hey Henry do you wanna share a room for regionals ?
Henry : yeah sure
Finn : cool , ok ozzy who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Ozzy : Kingston
Finn : ok Kingston who do you
Kingston : Ozzy
Finn : oh ok then you didn't let me finish my sentence
Kingston : yeah well
Finn : ok Tali , who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Tali : Millie
Finn : ok Millie who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Millie : Tali
Finn : ok , Daisy who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Daisy : Izzy
Finn : ok Izzy who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Izzy : Daisy
Finn : ok Maisie who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Maisie : summer
Finn : oh ok
Maisie : what ?
Finn : no nothing , Summer who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Summer : Maisie
Finn : of course I mean that's great , Noah who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Noah : I don't mind
Finn : you have to say a name
Noah : Finley
Finn : ok , Finley who do you wanna share a room with for regionals ?
Finley : Noah
Finn : ok and that just leaves you two
Ariana : what ?
Olive : us two for what ?
Finn : your sharing a room for regionals
Olive : oh great
(Finn runs back into the office)
Finn : hey it's all done
Riley : wow that was fast
Finn : yeah I am fast
Riley : umm well you should probably go rehearse
Finn : yeah I will bye
Riley : umm Finn
Finn : yeah
Riley : your shoe lace is undo
Finn : what ? Oh yeah it will be fine
Riley : umm ok
(Finn runs out the office and slips on the floor)
Finn : I'm ok , I'm ok
Riley : umm yeah
Finn : yeah I should go rehearse
Finn TH : ok that hurt a lot
(Maisie goes into shakes and ladders)
Maisie TH : I am exhausted
Scarlett : hey
Maisie : hey I actually was looking for you earlier but Noah has gone a bit all stressed
Scarlett : no it's fine what did you want ?
Maisie : well look at this
Scarlett : is this tickets to Portugal ?
Maisie : yeah I know before you said you always wanted to go
Scarlett : Maisie you didn't have to do this
Maisie : I thought maybe you could go with Richelle it might help you guys to reconnect
Scarlett : I don't know Maisie
Maisie : just think about it at least
Scarlett : ok thanks
Maisie : it's ok
(Scarlett looks back at Maisie and smiles)
James : hey Noah
Noah : oh James not now I'm kinda busy
James : yeah your stressed
Noah : I'm not stressed
James : really Noah your sweating
Noah : ok fine I am
James : well I did something
Noah : what ?
James : guys welcome to your send off party for regionals !
Noah : wait what
James : you need to have some fun , come on
Noah : ok
(Ashton turns up with flowers)
Ashton : hey these are for you , I just wanted to say good luck for regionals , your gonna do amazing
Izzy : aww thank you
(Summer goes over to Maisie)
Summer ; hey
Maisie : hey
Summer : how you feeling ?
Maisie : yeah I'm alright I just can't believe we're nearly at regionals
Summer : yeah we didn't think you would be here
Maisie : I know
Summer : look I'm glad your still here
Maisie : you are ?
Summer : yeah I care about you
(Summer holds Maisie's hand)
Maisie : I care about you too
(Summer smiles)
Summer TH : I don't know how much longer I can hide my feelings for , I've fallen for Maisie
Ariana TH : this is my chance to tell Olive how I feel , I can't lose this moment here goes nothing
(Ariana walks over to Olive but sees her slow dancing with Daisy)
Ariana TH : I guess I'm too late..
Noah : guys hands in ready one two three
All : regionals !
Noah TH : we can do this and I know we can
closing titles

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