How long can i keep this a secret

18 1 2

Riley : ok guys so we've been thinking about the solo competition and I've chosen Daisy to do the solo
(Daisy smiles)
(Everyone claps)
Tali TH : I kinda hoped I would get the solo but I'm gonna work even hard and Daisy does deserve it
Riley : why don't you get started
Daisy : yeah umm actually can I have like half an hour
Riley : half an hour ?
Daisy : yeah
Daisy TH : my body is not in shape today for this so I don't know what I'm going to do I'm just gonna have to push through
Daisy : no it's fine I can do it
Riley : good let's give Daisy some room guys , why don't you take a break guys
Maisie TH : something seems to be up with daisy
Maisie : hey you ok ?
Tali : yeah I just hoped I would get the solo
Maisie : yeah same it would of been nice
Tali : do you not think Daisy seems a bit distracted right now
Maisie : no not really
Maisie TH : I like Daisy so obviously I'm not gonna agree with Tali but deep down Daisy does seem distracted
(Scarlett goes over to Daisy)
Scarlett : hey Daisy congrats on your solo
Daisy : umm thanks look I'm supposed to be rehearsing so I can't talk
Scarlett : are you ok ?
Daisy : yeah I'm fine just trying to stay focussed
Scarlett : why are you distracted by something ?
Daisy : no of course not , look please Scarlett I really need to get on
Maisie : oh Scarlett hello I'm surprised to see you here
Scarlett : yeah well I just came to wish Daisy good luck
Maisie : she doesn't need luck she's amazing
Scarlett : yep she is
(Scarlett walks out the room)
Daisy TH : that was weird
(Maisie goes after Scarlett)
Maisie : what the heck are you doing , you lost the dance battle
Scarlett : oh yeah I did and I don't care , you don't threaten me , because I know I'm the better dancer you might of beat me but that doesn't mean you get Daisy that easily , I'm not going anywhere , so if you want Daisy then your gonna have to keep hold of her then because I'm not holding back anymore
Maisie : we had a deal and you broke it
Scarlett : like I said you messed with the wrong person Maisie
Scarlett : watch your back
(Scarlett barges Maisie)
Maisie TH : I can't believe this , I'm in trouble now
(Daisy does a lot of flips and feels lightheaded)
Daisy : oh god
Daisy TH : I can't deal with this right now my heart is beating so fast
Tali : hey Daisy do you need some help with anything ?
Daisy : no I'm fine
Tali : you sure you don't need help with any moves
Daisy : what you think I can't do that , you think you're better than me !
Tali : what no of course not that's not what I said
Daisy : this solo is mine and you're gonna take this away from me !
Tali : Daisy
Closing titles

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