Will you come on tour with us

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Giselle : we need to get all the old A troupers together for our idea to work
Amanda : yeah hopefully it does
Giselle : I can't wait to tell everyone our news
Amanda : same
Giselle TH : after being on tour with Amanda we became really close and now we're dating and now we're  engaged and we couldn't be happier
Amanda TH : I can't wait to tell everyone my news
Giselle : imagine Eldon , hunter , James and West back together
Amanda : yeah just like the old times
Giselle : and James and Riley and Thalia and Eldon and Stephanie and Michelle
Giselle : yeah we definitely need to call them this tour could be amazing
Amanda TH : after being on tour with Giselle we decided to make our own tour with the old A troupers as a little reunion
Giselle : it would have to be after regionals though
Amanda : yeah definitely
(Poppy wakes up in hospital)
Poppy : hey
Macy : hey you ok ?
Poppy : yeah I must of fainted
Macy : I'm glad your alright , I was worried
Poppy : no don't worry about me I'm fine
Macy : ok that's good
Doctor : Poppy who's this your friend ?
Poppy : oh no she's my fiancé
Doctor : oh well congratulations
Macy : thanks
Doctor : but umm Poppy I've got some bad news
Poppy : oh right
Doctor : your sister Daisy I believe she has a heart condition doesn't she ?
Poppy : umm yeah she does
Doctor : well Daisy has passed it on to you
Poppy : what ?
Macy : what ?
Doctor : yeah I'm afraid so I'll give you some time
Poppy : well what does this mean for me ?
Doctor : we will monitor your condition and give you more information later on
Macy : I'm sorry pops
Poppy : no it's not your fault
(Poppy hugs Macy)
Macy : I can't lose you
Poppy : your not going to
Macy : I love you
Poppy : I love you too
Macy : you need to tell Scarlett and daisy
Poppy : no not yet
Macy : Poppy
Poppy : just leave it Macy
Macy : ok
(Macy leaves the room)
(Poppy breaks down crying)
(Noah sees Poppy)
Noah : hey you ok ?
Poppy : yeah I'm fine
Noah : you looked upset what's up ?
Poppy : no it's fine Noah it's nothing
Noah : ok well I'm here for you ok
Poppy : thanks
Noah : it's ok
Poppy TH : I can't deal with this
Scarlett : hey Macy congrats on your engagement
Macy : yeah thanks..
Scarlett : you ok ? , where's Poppy ?
Macy : umm she's just busy
Scarlett : busy ?
Macy : yeah don't worry about her let's go to rehearsals
Scarlett : ok
Giselle : hey Riley
Riley : hey
Giselle : me and Amanda actually wanted to talk to you
Riley : ok
Giselle : so obviously being on tour was amazing but we miss the old A troupers and that was like my second family so we thinking of
Amanda : organising a tour with all the original A troupers after regionals so that no rehearsals will be disrupted
Riley : oh that sounds so cool
Giselle : so do you wanna come on tour ?
Riley : yeah sure
Giselle : great
Giselle TH : we can't to put this tour together it's gonna be amazing
Closing titles

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