Maybe you should give us a chance part 1

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Scarlett : Liv what are you doing here ?
Liv : I had to see you
(Scarlett and Liv go to talk)
Noah : Scarlett where are you going we have rehearsal !
Richelle : Noah it's ok just let her
Noah : alright fine
Noah TH : nationals is around the corner and no one seems to be focussing
Scarlett : I thought you said that you didn't want to see me again
Liv : Scarlett , what did you want me to do , you left me , for him
Scarlett : I know I did
Liv : you gave up on everything we had for a silly relationship with him and it did it really work out for you
Scarlett : no look I am sorry about that
Liv : Scarlett you broke my heart
Scarlett : so if I broke your heart then why are you here ?
Liv : because I still love you ok , you hurt me ok , you did but I can't get over these feelings I have for you
Scarlett : Liv I I don't know what to say
Liv : look Scarlett you know me and you were meant to be together , we were so happy and we can be happy again , just come with me and we can have a fresh start together
Scarlett : I've got nationals
Liv : I know you do but after that me and you can have a life together , leave everything else behind , just me and you
Scarlett TH : it's been years since I've seen Liv and I don't know if this is what I want
Scarlett : umm I'll think about it..
Liv : ok
Scarlett : look I need to get back to rehearsals
Liv : yeah ok see ya
Scarlett : yeah
(Scarlett goes back into rehearsals)
Poppy : so how was the conversation ?
Scarlett : oh umm it was alright
Poppy : are you back with her ?
Scarlett : no and even if I was why would you care your with Macy
Poppy : yeah I know
(Scarlett walks away from Poppy)
(Poppy looks back at Scarlett)
Poppy TH : I don't know what feelings I'm feeling inside
Closing titles

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