Ive been upside down

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Noah : hey what's going on ?
Jack : it's nothing
Noah : why didn't you tell me about your ex boyfriend ?
Jack : I told you I didn't have one
Noah : Jack , look I'm your brother and I care about you so please just tell me what's going on ?
Jack : dad he kicked me out , because I told him I liked Jacob and we were together for months and then dad made sure that that the relationship didn't last.. he couldn't accept it , Scarlett and Liv they were perfect and I messed that up because I wanted to prove to dad that I could still be the boy he wanted around , I was hiding myself for ages , I could never say it , I'd push everyone away
Noah : oh Jack why didn't you say anything
Jack : because I'm scared Noah and I still am things might be easy for you but not for me
Noah : but that's not right , you shouldn't have to lie , so .. do you like Heath ?
(Jack nods)
Jack : he's the only boy I've looked at in ages and thought he's just perfect but why would he wanna be with someone like me
Noah : there's nothing wrong with you bro , Jack everyone deserves to be happy , you deserve to be happy so stop hiding yourself and your feelings and just be happy
(Jack looks at Noah)
Jack : I'm gay..
(Jack hugs Noah)
Noah : you can always come to me about anything I love you bro
Jack : I love you too bro
Jack TH : I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders , this is the start of something
(Poppy goes to see Scarlett)
Poppy : hey
Scarlett : hey..
Poppy : I'm sorry that I walked out on you
Scarlett : no surprise there..
Poppy : what do you mean ?
Scarlett : you always walk away from your feelings and problems without solving them
Poppy : what do you mean ?
Scarlett : every time I try and talk to you , you just push me away and act like I don't exist
Poppy : yeah well I know you do
Scarlett : that's not the point Poppy , what are you hiding from me ?
Poppy : nothing it's nothing Scarlett
Scarlett : yeah of course oh you know what Poppy just go
Poppy : what ?
Scarlett : leave me alone
Poppy : Scarlett you need me
Scarlett : no I don't need you so just go
(Poppy is about to leave)
(Poppy grabs Scarlett's hand)
Scarlett : Poppy what are you doing ?
Poppy : getting you out of here
Poppy TH : I don't know what I'm doing but I'm not letting Scarlett stay in here
Closing titles

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