My tongued is tied but it always feels like im home

19 2 6

(Tali goes to James)
Tali : hey James have you got a minute ?
James : yeah sure what's up ?
Tali : so umm you know how yours and Riley's first date was well in studio A and the different food thing well I really like someone and I keep messing up with my words and I wondered if you could maybe help me make things right with this girl
James : so plan a date ?
Tali : yeah
James : ok you got it , come to studio A later tonight and I'll sort everything
Tali : really ?
James : yeah just come dressed up
Tali : ok but you don't know which girl it is
James : don't I ?
Tali : do you ?
James : I know everything , don't you worry about it
Tali : ok I won't
(James calls West and Eldon)
James : hey boys I need your help
James TH : with the boys we can make Tali's girl of her dreams fall for her straight away
(In studio A)
Noah : Amanda what are you doing here ?
Amanda : I came to see you
Noah : but I don't get it I never heard from you after regionals
Amanda : I know I needed sometime
Amanda TH : regionals was hard for me really hard and I didn't wanna leave Noah but I had to
Amanda : I was just so hurt and I needed to get away from it all
Noah : I never thought I would see you again
Amanda : well I'm just visiting at the moment but I had to come and see you , how have you been ?
Noah : yeah you know not much has happened I mean we lost regionals , you broke up with me , there was TNS east and west , miss Kate cancelled regionals then we joined together again and now we're going back to regionals again so no not much has happened
Amanda TH : wow so much has happened
Amanda : do you wanna go out for food tonight it would be nice for us to catch up
Noah : yeah.. umm you see the thing is , I have to babysit my mums dogs sisters cat
Amanda : what ?
Noah : you know what I've got rehearsals so umm I'll umm catch you in a bit yeah ok bye
(Noah runs out the room)
Noah TH : I have got to get away fast
(Noah runs to Henry)
Noah : hey bro I need you now
Henry : what's up with you ?
Noah : umm Amanda she's back
Henry : wait what Amanda ! , Amanda
Noah : yep Amanda Amanda
Henry : like the Amanda
Noah : yeah ok bro just listen she asked me to go out for food with her tonight what do I do , I mean Jacquie but I mean I don't know if me and Jacquie are together or not she's probably kissing Richelle but I don't know
Henry : ok bro calm down , just tell her the truth
Noah : the truth
Henry : yeah
Noah : ok that's easy thanks bro
Henry : no problem
Henry TH : yeah he's definitely gonna lie
(James is in studio A with west)
Riley : umm what are you doing ?
James : oh just don't even worry about it
Riley : ok well I have rehearsals in here in like 5 or 10 minutes
James : sorry Riley but I'm on a mission
Riley : a mission ?
James : yep
Riley : what are you like training to be a spy or something
James : no no , just don't even worry about it
Riley : well what should I do then
James : just go in studio 1 or something
Riley : fine well how long will you be in here for ?
James : umm I'd say about 5 hours
Riley : 5 hours !
James : yeah don't worry about it
West : yeah he's on a mission
Riley : umm ok.. where's Eldon ?
West : bathroom
James : of course
West : oh bro remember when he drank from the bidet
Riley : sorry what ?
James : no nothing don't worry about it
Riley : ok fine
Riley TH : this had better be worth it
(Jacquie goes to see Noah)
Jacquie : hey Noah
Noah : hey Amanda ahh Jacquie I mean Jacquie
Jacquie : are you ok ?
Noah : yeah I'm fine have you seen her ?
Jacquie : seen who ?
Noah : no no one
Jacquie : look I've got some free time today so I thought we could hang out
Noah : yeah..
Noah : oh look a seagull
Jacquie : what ?
(Noah runs out the room)
Jacquie : what..
(Eldon walks in)
Eldon : wow there's some many sweet spots in here
James : oh not this again
West : he never changes
James : nope
(Daisy walks in)
Daisy : hey what's going on ?
James : hey not much what are you doing here ?
Daisy : umm I have rehearsals
James : oh yeah about that Riley actually cancelled it
Daisy : oh really ?
James : yeah yeah you can go for the day
Daisy : oh ok , what are you guys doing anyway ?
Eldon : hey Daisy stand here
Daisy : umm ok
Eldon : don't you just feel the love with that spot
Daisy : umm sure
James TH : I don't even have words with Eldon
Daisy : are you guys setting up a date ?
West : yeah we are
Daisy : oh who for ?
James : umm Maisie and umm Scarlett..
Eldon : but I thought it was for Tali and..
west : Thalia yeah Eldon I'm sure Thalia would love that sweet spot
Daisy : umm ok I'm gonna go..
James : yeah see ya
Eldon : bye , this isn't for her why couldn't we tell her
James : because she's doing a duet with Tali she's gonna tell Tali what this is
Eldon : but wasn't it Tali's idea
James : yes but your taking away the magic of this night
Eldon : ok
West : Eldon just go get the fairy lights
Eldon : ok
(Daisy goes over to Maisie)
Daisy : your date looks really good
Maisie : date ?
Daisy : yeah James was setting up a date for you and Scarlett
Maisie : wait me and Scarlett ?
Maisie TH : there must be a mistake me and Scarlett are definitely not going on a date , wait does she like me ?
Maisie : umm ok thanks Daisy
Daisy : it's ok
(Later that night)
(Eldon goes to find Millie)
Eldon : hey
Millie : hey
Eldon : umm yeah you need to come with me but we need to get you dressed up
Millie : I mean these are my dance clothes
Eldon : yeah well we will fix that
Millie : umm ok
Millie TH : what is going on right now
(Riley walks in)
Riley : wow is this another date for us ?
James : no it's for someone
Riley : wait you made a date for someone else ?
James : no it's not like that just watch
(Tali walks in)
Tali : wow this place looks amazing
James : yeah
West : yo
James : yo where is Eldon ?
West : no clue
Eldon : why is the door handle stuck
Millie : umm you just need to pull it hard
Eldon : ahh right
(Eldon falls out off the door)
Eldon : smooth
Millie : are you ok ?
Eldon : yeah I'm fine let's go
Millie : ok
James : you look really good
Tali : thanks this seriously looks amazing thanks James
James : don't even worry it
Riley TH : the amount of times I hear that a day honestly
(Millie walks in)
Millie : wow this place looks amazing
James : welcome to Mali's restaurant
Millie : Mali's ?
James : yeah Tali and Millie together you know
Millie : right
Tali : yeah
Millie : you look beautiful
Tali : so do you 
(Millie and Tali sit down)
James : Eldon lights , lights Eldon the lights !
(Eldon switches the lights on)
James TH : honestly
James : bro where's the food ?
West : the food what food ?
James : I asked you to order the food
West : well you didn't really specify what kind of food you wanted so I got salad
James : salad ?
West : yeah
James : I told you to get Chinese
West : yeah you didn't make it clear
James TH : the salad is probably just as bad as johns sandwiches
(Tali and Millie are enjoying their date)
West : dinner is served
Millie : is this salad ?
West : yeah
Millie : I don't like cheese..
James TH : I should have done this on my own
Riley TH : this date is entertaining
Eldon : it's ok I've got pudding
James : no no no don't even think about it not the cake
Eldon : yeah the cake it took me 2 hours to bake that
West : did you put it in the microwave again ?
Eldon : well maybe..
James : yeah
Tali : I'm sorry if this date is a mess I just wanted to do something to show you how much I like you
Millie : I know you do and I'm sorry I have you a hard time I guess I was jealous , you didn't have to do this for me
Tali : I did , I wanted to , do you wanna dance with me ?
Millie : yeah of course
Millie TH : this is actually happening
(Millie and Tali are slow dancing together)
Riley : aww look at you two so cute
(Tali and Millie look at Riley)
Riley : yeah I'll go..
Tali : can I tell you something ?
Millie : yeah..
Tali : I love you
Millie : I.. I love you too
(Tali kisses Millie , Millie kisses Tali back)
Millie TH : I have a good feeling about this relationship
Tali TH : everything just feels perfect
Closing titles

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