Its gonna be ok part 2

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Noah : so what's going on ?
Richelle : this is all my fault Noah
Noah : what is ?
Richelle : Scarlett's not well
Noah : what do you mean ?
Richelle : she's got a lung disease
Noah : what how ?
Richelle : from the crash the car went onto its side and it effected her lungs , she can't breathe properly , they said it's just gonna get worse and then soon will move to the rest of her body and she won't be able to move much
Noah : oh Richelle I'm so sorry
Richelle : my sister she's dying..
(Poppy hears)
Poppy : what ?
Richelle : Poppy
Noah : no it's nothing we were just having a catch up
Poppy : don't lie to me , did you say Scarlett was dying
Noah : no it just slipped out her mouth
Richelle : yeah of course that's not true
Noah : you should be at rehearsals Poppy , go on
(Poppy leaves and goes into the studio)
Richelle : look please just don't say a word to anyone yet
Noah : I won't does Scarlett know ?
Richelle : no
Noah : wait you haven't told her
Richelle : well I wanted to but I just couldn't
Noah : look we need to get to the auditions
Richelle : yeah
(Phoebe goes into the locker room and sees Macy's shoe has been snapped)
Phoebe : no no you idiot !
(Phoebe tries to fix the snap)
Phoebe : come on please you have to work , she needs that solo
Phoebe TH : I don't know what I'm gonna do now , I need to get out of this plan I care about Macy
Noah : ok Maisie your up first
(Maisie starts her solo)
Maisie TH : I'm dancing amazing right now , I would love to have a solo at nationals
(Scarlett smiles)
Scarlett TH : Maisie's always been an amazing dancer
Amy : piper you ok ?
Piper : yeah I'm fine just don't feel too great today
Amy : are you sure you didn't want to audition for the solo ?
Piper : yes I already told you , I don't want it so just leave it
Amy : Pipe
Noah : ok that was good Maisie , now Tali let's have you next
(Tali starts her solo)
Summer TH : Tali's always been a great dancer since she was little
Maisie TH : she's just amazing
(Maisie smiles at Tali , Scarlett looks over at Maisie)
Poppy : hey good luck with your solo babe
Macy : thanks
Poppy : you've got this ok
Macy : yeah
Noah : and last up we've got Macy
(Macy starts her solo)
(Macy does a leap but slips on the floor)
Poppy TH : I watched Macy rehearse this solo loads , it doesn't mean like her to mess it up
(Scarlett looks over at Poppy)
Scarlett TH : Macy is definitely not dancing her best , and I know exactly why
(Macy falls on the floor)
Noah : hey you ok ?
Macy : yeah I'm fine my shoes are just really slippy
Noah : well why don't you dance without the shoes ? 
Macy : but my whole solo is revolved around the shoes I need them to stay on point
Noah : ok well I guess we're gonna have to think about it
Poppy : oh come on you can't not give her the solo , because her shoes gave up on her , Macy is an amazing dancer , she deserves this solo , she's been working so hard , it was her shoes fault not hers , I know Macy is an amazing dancer !
Noah : yeah so do we Poppy , but what we just saw was clearly not her best , we need to think about the best person to represent the team
Macy : it's fine..
(Macy walks out the room)
(Richelle grabs Macy's shoes)
Richelle : Noah look
Noah : what ?
Richelle : it's been snapped
Jack : someone obviously did it on purpose to try and make it snap so that Macy wouldn't get the solo
(Phoebe is on the floor in the hallway)
(Macy walks past)
Phoebe : hey Macy , umm how did your solo go ?
Macy : oh umm it wasn't meant to be
Phoebe : what happened ?
Macy : my shoes they went all weird
Phoebe : oh weird , well umm why don't we go and get a shake I can cheer you up
Macy : yeah sure
Macy TH : it's nice that Phoebe has got my back
(Macy and Phoebe go for a shake)
(Scarlett walks in with poppy)
Poppy : I don't see how Macy's solo could of gone so wrong
(Scarlett looks over at Phoebe and Macy)
Scarlett : there's something going on Poppy
Poppy : what do you mean ?
Scarlett : Phoebe , I don't trust her
Poppy : Phoebe and Macy are friends , Phoebe isn't even on the team
Scarlett : yeah which makes it harder for people to suspect her
Poppy : look Scarlett if you think something is going on , then you need to go to Noah
Scarlett : I don't have enough proof , why don't you help me
Poppy : help you ?
Scarlett : yeah we can find out what's going on together , we work well together
Poppy : and what if we're wrong
Scarlett : we need to find out what's going on
Poppy : ok I'll help you , but you should really talk to Richelle yourself
Scarlett : about what ?
Poppy : your condition
Scarlett : what condition ?
Poppy : look I'm not saying anything but you really should talk to Richelle
Scarlett : ok..
Scarlett TH : I have no idea what Poppy is talking about but I need to find out
(Scarlett walks past Maisie)
Maisie : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : oh hey
Maisie : it's good to have you back in the studio
Scarlett : oh thanks yeah umm well done on your solo it was great
Maisie : aww thanks , I was nervous about it
Scarlett : yeah but you did great
Maisie : thanks
(Maisie and Scarlett smile at each other)
Scarlett : umm well I need to umm actually talk to Richelle and Noah so umm
Maisie : oh right yeah of course I'll see you later
Scarlett : yeah
(Scarlett goes into the office)
Scarlett : hey
Noah : oh hey Scarlett you ok ?
Scarlett : yeah umm Richelle can I talk to you for a minute
Richelle : sure
(Noah looks at Richelle and nods at her)
Richelle : yeah umm sit down
Noah : I'll leave you two alone
(Noah leaves the office)
Richelle : so what's up ?
Scarlett : not much it was just Poppy she said that I need to talk to you about something
Richelle : oh look umm Scarlett , the hospital they did a lot of tests on you , after the umm crash
Scarlett : yeah
Richelle : and well they umm noticed some problems with your lungs
Scarlett : what ?
Richelle : you've got lung disease , your umm your not gonna be able to breathe much or talk much soon and it will start to effect your whole body you might not be able to move much
Scarlett : what are you saying ?
(Richelle looks down)
Scarlett : no your joking right !
Richelle : I'm sorry
Scarlett : no tell me your lying , tell me Richelle !
Richelle : I can't because I'm not lying
Scarlett : no this doesn't make sense I was fine !
Richelle : scarl just calm down it's not good for you to stress yourself out
Scarlett : stress myself out you've just told me that I'm dying !
(Freya and Laura walk past and hear)
Laura : what's that about ?
Freya : I don't know
(Richelle goes over to Scarlett)
Richelle : I'm sorry sis
Scarlett : no don't touch me , get away from me
(Richelle hugs Scarlett as Scarlett breaks down on the floor)
Closing titles

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