I didn't even get to say goodbye..

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Scarlett : oh god no
Maisie : you need to get Poppy
Scarlett : ok
(Scarlett goes to get Poppy)
Scarlett : Poppy you need to come here
Poppy : Scarlett I've just got this pizza for us
Scarlett : Poppy it's.. daisy
Poppy : what ?
(Poppy runs upstairs)
Poppy : Daisy ? , no no please no
Scarlett : I'm so sorry Poppy
Poppy : no she can't be..
Maisie : I found her like that she must of done it to herself
Poppy : no come on Daisy wouldn't do that she wouldn't just give up like that
Scarlett : I'm sorry Poppy
(Poppy holds Daisy's hand)
Poppy : guys can you give me a minute ?
Scarlett : sure
Maisie : yeah
(Poppy holds onto Daisy's hand)
Poppy : oh dais why ? , why did you have to do it , your my little sister I don't know what I'm gonna do without you , I'm sorry I let you down , I should of been better , sweet dreams dais
(Poppy hugs Daisy and starts crying)
Izzy : hey what took you so long was the charger not in the room
Maisie : umm
Izzy : what ?
Maisie : it's Daisy..
Izzy : what ?
Maisie : she umm she's dead..
Izzy : wait what
Maisie : I found out her lying on the floor when I went into the room
Izzy : oh god no not Daisy , please not Daisy
Maisie : I'm sorry Izzy
(Izzy breaks down and starts crying)
(Emily finds out about Daisy)
Macy : Poppy , I'm so sorry
Poppy : she's gone Mace.. gone and I never gonna see her again
(Macy hugs Poppy)
Macy : shh shh it's gonna be ok it's gonna be ok
Poppy TH : I just can't even believe right now
Emily : why did this have to happen Michelle , not Daisy
Michelle : I know it's not fair
(Ariana  is at the hospital with Olive who's in a coma)
Ariana : hey , I should of told you how I felt about you, and I was scared and I didn't know if you would feel the same but seeing you lying here it's just not fair.. I'm so sorry Olive , but please I need you to pull through because I love you
(Ariana kisses Olive on the head)
Millie : omg
Ariana : what is it ?
Millie : it's Daisy.. she's died
Ariana : wait what ?
Tali TH : I just can't believe it Daisy she's actually gone , i should of noticed that she wasn't ok
Scarlett TH : I can't help but think this is my fault..
(Noah calls Richelle)
Noah : hey umm
Richelle : hey sorry I didn't expect you to be ringing me , I thought we weren't speaking to each other
Noah : yeah I know umm I just wanted to let you know something..
Richelle : ok what ?
Noah : it's umm Daisy..
Richelle : what about Daisy ? , Noah
Noah : umm she's umm she's gone Richelle
Richelle : what ?! , what do you mean gone
Noah : she's dead Richelle
Richelle : what no she can't be
Noah : I'm sorry , Maisie she found her on the floor just lying there and it was too late
Richelle : no no no
(Richelle starts crying)
Noah : I'm sorry look I've got to go
Noah TH : I don't know what we're gonna do now
(Daisy gets carried out on a stretcher)
(The paramedics put a cover over her face)
Poppy : no no , you can't do this ok you can't , she's my sister she didn't want this !
Scarlett : Poppy
Poppy : she's my little sister ! , I love her ! , don't take her away from me !
(Poppy breaks down in Scarlett's arms)
Closing titles

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