Ignite together..

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Richelle : yeah alright I'm in what's your plan
Noah : we set them up on a date
Richelle : well it's not the worst idea
Noah : yeah we do this then they can focus on each other rather than make Daisy worse
(Macy and Poppy go to LOD's studio)
Poppy : Lexi , we need to talk ?
Lexi : I'm in rehearsals
Macy : please it's about daisy
(Lexi goes outside with Poppy)
Lexi : what's up ?
Poppy : Daisys got heart failure
Lexi : what ? , how did that happen ?
Poppy : we don't know look we can get surgery but it might not work , so she could die
Lexi : seriously ?
Poppy : yeah look I know you care about your dance but I know deep down you care about daisy and you have a heart
Lexi : what do you want me to do give her my heart or something
Poppy : no I want you to be there for her , she needs everyone around her right now including you
Lexi : I thought you hated me and told me to stay away from you and Daisy
Poppy : yeah I did but right now I need you to be there please
Lexi : ok fine
Poppy : we're gonna to the next step
Lexi : no
Poppy : come on Lexi
Lexi : no i don't wanna go near them
Poppy : their not competing against you anymore and you got into nationals again , please Lexi do it for Daisy
Macy : she really needs you , you need to be there for her
Lexi : alright fine let's go to the next step
(Izzy and Daisy are in shakes and ladders talking)
Izzy : so you excited for the duet competition ?
Daisy : yeah I am , even if it's my last dance it will still be good
Izzy : yeah actually I wanna do something for you
Daisy : yeah what ?
Izzy : make a list and write anything you've ever wanted to do or dreams you have and then I can try and make them happen for you incase it is your last time doing anything
(Daisy smiles)
Daisy : thanks Izzy
Daisy TH : it's nice having Izzy around
(Riley is in the office pacing around)
James : Riley calm down
Riley : calm down one of the best dancers is seriously ill , the duet competition is in a few days , I can't believe it , I promised I wouldn't do it again make the same mistake like I did with Noah
James : this wasn't your fault
Riley : I should have noticed !
James : it's not your fault stop blaming yourself
(Poppy walks in with Lexi)
James : Yo Riley , look who it is
Riley : what is she doing here ?
James : no idea
James TH : Lexi from Life of dance is here in the next step is this real
Riley : hey guys what's going on ?
Poppy : look she's not here to cause trouble , She's mine and daisys cousin
Riley : sorry what ?
Poppy : yeah I brought her here to see Daisy
James : what and you actually care about Daisy ?
Lexi : yeah I do , she's my cousin and I love her
Riley TH : I didn't even think she had feelings but I guess she does
Riley : ok go find Daisy
(Daisy makes a list for Izzy)
Izzy : oh you want to go to regionals ?
Daisy : yeah I've always wanted to dance on that stage
Izzy : interesting ok
Izzy TH : maybe this idea won't work but I do have an idea if Daisy wants to go to regionals
(Noah and Richelle set Scarlett and Maisie up)
Scarlett : hey umm Richelle asked to meet me here
Maisie : oh Noah asked to meet me here
(A special table is set up for Scarlett and Maisie)
Scarlett : what is going on ?
Noah : enjoy your date
Maisie : date ?
Scarlett : us ?
Richelle : just enjoy it and have fun
(Scarlett and Maisie sit awkwardly)
Maisie : you look nice
Scarlett : thanks same to you
Maisie TH : I don't know why but this doesn't actually feel that bad
(Izzy goes to Riley)
Izzy : hey have you got a minute ?
Riley : yeah sure what's up ?
Izzy : Daisy wants to go to regionals
Riley : umm I'm sure she's not the only one who does
Izzy : well I have an idea how about we merge A troupe and J troupe together so Daisy gets a chance to dance at regionals
(Riley is shocked)
(James looks at Riley and nods)
Riley TH : as crazy as the idea sounds it actually seems pretty good , J troupe and A troupe together would be amazing
(Back in shakes and ladders)
Scarlett : so I'm actually having a good time with you , your not as bad as I thought you were
Maisie : yeah same
(Scarlett and Maisie hold hands)
(Riley goes to Michelle and Emily)
Riley : hey I have a proposal for you , it might be crazy but just hear me out..
Closing titles

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