Its all over

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Riley : how could the costumes get mixed up ?!
Emily : I don't know look I need to deal with this ok
(Emily leaves the office)
(James walks in)
James : hey
Riley : hey
James : you gonna tell me what's going on or what
Riley : what are you talking about ?
James : Emily she said oh I hear a congratulations is in order , why would she say that Riley to me
Riley : I don't know James..
James : Riley look at me
(Riley looks at James)
James : what is it ?
Riley : I'm.. I'm pregnant
James : what ?
Riley : your the father James..
(James walks out the office)
(Riley starts crying)
Riley TH : this is going to change everything
(Michelle goes to see Ashton)
Michelle : hey what are you doing here ?
Ashton : found me then
Michelle : Ashton
Ashton : mum and dad are arguing again
Michelle : I thought they were fine
Ashton : no their not , it's bad this time , I don't think their gonna make up
Michelle : why didn't you come and see me
Ashton : I didn't want to bother you , mum said I can stay with you
Michelle : of course you can but your gonna have to go back at some point
(Ashton hugs Michelle)
(Piper goes to see James)
Piper : hey congrats
James : oh thanks
Piper : aww I can't believe I'm gonna be an auntie
James : yeah..
Piper : I know it's a shock but your gonna be ok
James : what if I can't be a dad
Piper : you can be , you and Riley might not have worked out but you and her can do this together James , I'm proud of you, your the brother I look up too
James : really ?
Piper : yeah I always look up to you
James : pipes
Piper : yeah
James : I'm gay..
(Piper smiles and hugs James)
Piper : I love you so much
James : I love you too
James TH : pipers right I can do this and I need to be there for Riley
(Noah goes to the hospital)
Noah : hey how you feeling ?
Maisie : weak can't move much
Noah : I'm sorry Mais , your gonna get back to dance soon I know you will
Maisie : what if I don't Noah , your back might have healed and got better but this , this isn't gonna go away
Noah : but you can't give up though
Maisie : the team deserve someone who can give them 100% and I can't do that
Noah : no you can't quit Maisie , we need you
Maisie : you don't , you will do fine without me
Noah : I need you , ok you help me so much being on the team and we help each other out we always have and I'm not leaving your side ok and your not giving up , this condition you might of been born with it but it doesn't change anything
Maisie : I wasn't though..
Noah : what ?
Maisie : I wasn't born with it , I've got the condition because it happened when Richelle hurt me..
Noah : wait what ?!
Noah : no it can't be
Maisie : it is Noah , I was fine before that , the doctors did tests that day Richelle and I was in hospital I just couldn't tell you
Noah : hold on so you knew about this the whole time and you didn't say anything
Maisie : I couldn't , it would tear the team apart
Noah : no Richelle has torn this team apart well not anymore
Maisie : where are you going ?
(Noah leaves the hospital)
James : hey
Riley : hey
James : I'm sorry for how I reacted
Riley : no it's not your fault I'm sorry
James : we can do this Riley together , me and you we can be great parents
Riley : why would you want to ?
James : because your amazing Riley and you can't do this on your own and I'm gonna be here with you every step of the way for you and our baby , no matter what
(Riley hugs James)
(Noah goes to Emily)
Noah : hey Emily can I talk to you for a second , there's something you need to know
(A few hours later)
Richelle : hey you wanted to see me ?
Emily : yes I did
Richelle : what's up ?
Emily : Richelle , what you have done is costing the team , I had no idea how selfish she could be , but injuring a dancer and causing them a massive health condition , that is serious and I can't have a dancer hurting her other team mates
Richelle : no Emily I promise I made a mistake ok and I'm making it right
Emily : no Richelle , I can't let you do it
Richelle : do what ?
Emily : Richelle your off the team
Richelle : what no Emily please , I can make things right please don't do this to me , you know how important this team is
Emily : well clearly you should of thought about that
(Richelle leaves the office)
Richelle : hey
Jacquie : Richelle I can't do this anymore
Richelle : what ?
Jacquie : you , I can't trust you anymore ok and you hurt a dancer , you hurt Maisie and that , a true team mate would never do that , Maisie did one little thing and you have put her whole life on the line , I just cant be around you right now
Richelle : what are you saying ?
Jacquie : I'm sorry Richelle but we're over
Richelle : no Jacquie please
Jacquie : I'm sorry
(Jacquie walks off)
(Noah looks over at Richelle)
Noah : I hope you finally realise that actions have consequences
Richelle : noah I'm sorry
Noah : we're done Richelle
(Noah walks off)
(Richelle is in studio A on her own)
(Richelle dances to Falling behind)
Richelle TH : I ruined everything , I've lost my friendship with Noah , I've lost Jacquie , I have nothing left anymore , regionals was the one thing I dreamed off , always being a dancer since J troupe and now I ruined everything , I don't deserve to be here , Emily's right , I'm not a team player , I'm the one who's tearing the team apart and their gonna be better off without me
(Riley sees Richelle crying)
(Riley runs over to Richelle and hugs her , Richelle cries on her shoulder)
Riley : shhh it's gonna be ok
Closing titles

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