Lets focus on us

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(Millie runs to the hospital)
Millie : oh Tali thank god
Tali : are you ok ?
Millie : I thought you were hurt or something James said you were at the hospital , your not ill are you
Tali : no Millie umm we're gonna have a baby
Millie : what ?
Tali : I'm pregnant
Millie : your what ?
Tali : I'm pregnant
Millie : no no no you can't be what how ?
Tali : look me and Finley we umm
Millie : no omg Tal
Tali : I'm sorry I just needed a distraction from what happened with Maisie
Millie : so you slept with Finley ?
Tali : yeah
Millie : I can't believe this
Tali : Millie please
(Millie leaves the room)
(Tali starts crying)
Riley : hey you ok ?
Tali : I'm pregnant
Riley : oh no Tali
(Riley hugs Tali)
Tali : I'm sorry
Riley : no no don't ok it's ok
(Back at the studio)
Noah : hey guys I need you two to do something for me
Tali : ok sure
Emily : so George is pretty upset about Maisie and umm I can't go out with him right now because my mind is just not in it at the moment but he's always wanted to go to archades so can you two maybe take him there ?
Tali : yeah sure
Millie : yeah I don't mind
Tali : Millie I need to tell you something
Millie : yeah what's up ?
Tali : I umm
George : ok so where are we going ?
Millie : oh George great well we're gonna take you to the archade
George : really ?
Millie : yeah we can do anything you want
George : ok
Millie TH : this is gonna be awkward
Tali TH : I'm definitely not in the mood for this
Millie : so umm how's the..
Tali : Millie I've only just found out
Millie : I know but do you need anything ?
Tali : no I'm alright
Millie : ok so George where do you wanna go first ?
George : archade
Millie : ok
(Tali and Millie take George to the archade)
Millie : this is kinda good practise for you
Tali : he's not my baby
Millie : no but your gonna be a parent
Tali : yeah I guess
George : can I play with the basketball ?
Millie : yeah sure go ahead
(George starts playing with the basketball)
Tali : we're meant to be at rehearsals not babysitting
Millie : Noah asked us to do it you know he's a mess right now
Tali : I just can't get my head around this first Maisie and now I'm pregnant
Millie : I know
Tali : I thought you would hate me
Millie : hate you why would I hate you ?
Tali : because I cheated on you
Millie : you needed a distraction
Tali : yeah but how am I supposed to deal with this and regionals
Millie : your not on your own I'm here and I'm not going anywhere
Tali : i love you
Millie : I love you too
(George accidentally drops a basketball and it hits Tali)
Tali : ow
Millie : George you need to be careful !
George : I'm sorry
Tali : no no don't worry about it it's fine
Millie : are you ok ?
Tali : yeah I'm fine
Millie : maybe we should go to the hospital make sure the babies alright
Tali : no Millie I'm fine honestly
Millie : ok well your gonna have to tell the team
Tali : Riley knows
Millie : how ?
Tali : she took me to the hospital I guess she could recognise the signs
Millie : what how ?
Tali : cause she's pregnant
Millie : wait what ? , since when was she pregnant
Tali : you've missed a lot
Millie : look umm Tali I know things haven't been great between us with Milli being here but I really do love you and no one else could ever replace you
(Tali hugs Millie)
Tali TH : I need to forget about Maisie and focus on Millie and the baby
George : I'm glad you were Maisie's girlfriend
Tali : what me oh no I wasn't
George : but you told her you loved her in the hospital Noah told me
Millie : wait what ?
Closing titles

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