Is there something there ?

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Richelle : no we can't do this , not yet
Maisie : what do you mean this is a great idea ?
Richelle : no it's not , me and Jacquie are not ready for this yet and your not in charge of my life , your not my sister !
Maisie : I know
Richelle : well stop trying to be , you know nothing about me , so just leave mine and Jacquie's relationship alone
(Maisie walks out the room)
Izzy : Maisie wait
Scarlett : are you serious right now ?!
Richelle : what ?
Scarlett : all I've done is try and fix your problems and this is how you treat Maisie !
Richelle : well she didn't need to do this
Scarlett : you know what next time you have a problem don't come running to me
(Scarlett walks out the room)
(Maisie is crying)
Izzy : hey , are you ok ?
Maisie : yeah I'm fine
Izzy : Maisie you've been crying
Maisie : I just wanted to help
Izzy : aww come here
(Maisie hugs Izzy)
Maisie : I don't get why Richelle couldn't just be happy and I'm not trying to be her sister
Izzy : I know look why don't we hang out today
Maisie : don't you wanna spend your day with Daisy ?
Izzy : no your more important
(Maisie smiles)
Maisie TH : I'm glad I've got Izzy around
(James is in the music room trying to get his head off what happened yesterday)
James TH : I can't believe Izzy thought me and Noah were on a date , I know we're close but not that close
Noah : hey James
James : hey I actually I need to go I've got a family thing
Noah : oh can I help ?
James : no no I just need to go
Noah : ok bye
Noah TH : I know James is avoiding me I just wish he would talk to me
(Jacquie goes to Richelle)
Jacquie : their idea was good
Richelle : no it wasn't , they were getting involved in our business
Jacquie : they were just trying to help us
Richelle : I know i just don't want us to rush this
Jacquie : I know I get it but I think you should apologise to Maisie , you were a bit mean to her
Richelle : yeah I know I'll talk to her
Jacquie : I love you
Richelle : I love you too
Richelle TH : Jacquie's right I was rude to Maisie and I need to make it up to her
(Noah sees James mum)
James mum : hey you , oh please help me
Noah : what's up ?
James mum : I dropped my purse on the floor and I don't know where it is , I was just on my way out but I can't go anywhere without my purse
Noah : ok I'll find it for you
James mum : oh thank you
Noah TH : this is gonna be interesting but for James I'm gonna do it
Poppy : hey how did your hospital appointment go
Daisy : fine
Poppy : don't lie to me Daisy
Daisy : the operation didn't work
Poppy : what why ?
Daisy : my heart it's too weak for it to work
Poppy : so what does that mean ?
Daisy : I don't have long
Poppy : oh Daisy come here
(Daisy hugs Poppy)
(Noah finds James mums purse)
James mum : oh James
James : mom what are you doing here ?
James mum : well I was going shopping but I lost my purse
James : well did you leave it at home
James mum : no I didn't James I'm not that stupid
James : ok
Noah : hey I found your purse
James mum : aww my little hero
Noah : oh ok
James TH : of course Noah would find it
James : yeah it's great well done Noah
Noah : thanks
James mum : oh I must invite you for dinner tonight to say thank you
James : what no
James TH : what is my mom doing
Noah : umm sure I'll be there
James mum : aww great , James you should have more friends like that
James : yeah friends..
(Noah smiles)
Noah TH : I guess I'll see him later
(Maisie and Izzy are on studio 1 doing a duet to tied to you )
Richelle TH : I'm going to the studio to apologise to Maisie I was wrong about what I said to her and she deserves an apology
(Maisie and Izzy end the duet and stare at each other)
(Izzy leans in and kisses Maisie , Maisie kisses her back and then pulls away)
(Richelle walks in)
Richelle TH : what the heck is happening right now , Maisie kissing Izzy , how could she do that to Scarlett
Closing titles

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