The solo competition part 2

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Emily : what are we gonna do ?
Michelle : we have to go on stage or we will get disqualified
Noah TH : this is not good
(Daisy wakes up)
Daisy : guys.. I'm ok
Emily : no Daisy
Daisy : I need to go on stage
(Daisy tries to stand up and falls back down again)
Emily : daisy you are not going on that stage , your not well
Daisy : but this solo I need to do it
Emily : I'm sorry Daisy we can't risk it
(Daisy looks down)
Daisy TH : I can't believe I've let the team down , they were all counting on me and I couldn't do it
Finn : what are we gonna do ?
Noah : I don't know guys maybe we have to forfeit
Amy : forfeit we can't forfeit
A troupe and J troupe all argue)
Maisie : guys , guys stop look
(Tali runs on stage)
(Everyone claps for Tali)
Emily TH : wow I guess it's all up to Tali now
(Tali does a solo to turning tables)
Michelle : she's doing amazing
Emily : yeah she is
Emily TH : Tali is doing amazing , she's stepped for the team and that's a real strong move to do , maybe it's time we have a new dance captain
(Everyone cheers for Tali)
Emily : Tali that was amazing
Tali : thanks
(Tali goes back on stage)
The judges : the team with the five point advantage is the next step
Emily : omg yes
(Tali runs off stage and everyone hugs her)
Maisie : omg you did were so proud of you
Tali : thanks
Summer : I'm so so proud of you
Tali : I love you
Summer : I love you too
Daisy : that was amazing
Tali : thanks
(Daisy hugs Tali)
(Daisy is sat on her own by the stage)
Poppy : hey
Daisy : hey
Poppy : how did your solo go ?
Daisy : wasn't meant to be
Poppy : why not ?
Daisy : I couldn't even do it , I fainted
Poppy : wait what you fainted ? , Daisy do you need to go back to the hospital
Daisy : no I'm fine I just need space
Poppy : oh ok
Daisy : no I mean I need space from this whole situation and I think it's best if I stay with Izzy for a bit
Poppy : oh right
Daisy : yeah I just think it might be good for us to have some space
Poppy : yeah no of course
(Daisy hugs Poppy)
Poppy : it's gonna be ok , i am so sorry for what happened
Daisy : I know
Poppy : I'm gonna miss you
Daisy : I'm gonna miss you too
Poppy : well I guess I'll see you around
Daisy : yeah see you around
(Poppy leaves the room)
(Daisy starts crying)
Daisy TH : maybe I don't even deserve to be on the team anymore
Closing titles

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