Plan backfired

14 1 3

(Scarlett goes to Maisie's room)
Maisie : I'm sorry ok
Scarlett : no I'm sorry I didn't believe you , It was him and miles
Maisie : we need to do something
Scarlett : yeah don't worry I have a plan
(Jack gets out of the cupboard)
Jack TH : this team honestly is messing with the wrong people
(Scarlett goes over to Jack)
Scarlett : hey Jack I just wanted to say I kinda miss hanging out with you
Jack : yeah what's the catch
Scarlett : no catch I just thought maybe me and you could go out on a date tonight
Jack : a date when you've got a girlfriend ?
Scarlett : oh no we broke up she broke my necklace I couldn't forgive her for that
Jack : umm ok sure
Scarlett : great see ya later
Scarlett TH : Jack has no idea how much I am going to enjoy this when I take down his stupid little team
Chuck Anderson : we're back at the regionals championships ready for the trio round
Emily : right guys get prepared
Tali : yeah we will
Emily : good
(Tali , Maisie and Piper get ready for their trio)
(Miles puts Slippy stuff under Tali's point shoes)
Maisie : let's do this guys
Maisie : yeah
Chuck Anderson : can the next step please enter the stage
Michelle : come on guys
Finn : let's go
(The trio starts)
(Tali starts to slip on the stage)
Tali TH : I don't know what's going on , I made sure my shoes weren't slippery this isn't good
(Maisie and Tali do their lift but Tali slips and drops Maisie and she falls onto Maisie)
Maisie : ow my arm
Tali : ahh my back
Emily : omg what was that ?
(Miles smiles from across the wings)
Macy : come on they did that on purpose !
Emily : Macy their part of another team
Miles : yeah we're not even competing yet but with the looks of that I don't think you will be
(The trio ends and goes off stage)
Emily TH : we really need this team to score lower than us and make mistakes or we will not be dancing in the next round
Millie : babe are you ok ?
Tali : I don't know I can't move my back at all
Millie : ok try and stand up
Tali : ow
Michelle : she's not good Emily
Noah : I'll go and try and find the physiotherapist
Emily : yes good idea Noah
Maisie : ow my arm hurts
Emily : ok we will get you sorted out it's gonna be ok
(Millie goes outside with Tali)
Millie : your gonna be ok
Tali : I don't feel good
Millie : no it's gonna be ok
(Tali collapses)
Millie : what no Tali , Tali wake up , help , I need some help , Riley !
Riley : omg Tali , Tali can you hear me ?
Millie : why did she faint ?!
Riley : look I'll take care of this
(Maisie goes to see Scarlett)
Maisie : hey
Scarlett : what happened to you ?
Maisie : my arm , the team their one step ahead of us , they made Tali's point shoes go all slippery so Tali slipped and we were doing the lift and I fell on top of her
Scarlett : omg we need to stop this
Maisie : we can't do anything
(Ariana goes to see Olive)
Ariana : hey
Olive : Ariana.. what happened ?
Ariana : it's a long story ok but your gonna be ok
Olive : I feel like I've been asleep for ages..
Ariana : you've been in a coma
Olive : how's the team doing ?
Ariana : look don't worry about that ok I was so scared ok when I saw you I just..
Olive : I'm ok Ariana just feel a bit weak..
Ariana : I need to tell you something
Olive : what ?
Ariana : umm it's Daisy, she's dead
Olive : what ?
Ariana : Maisie found her on the floor
Olive : it was probably that kid..
Ariana : what kid ?
Olive : I don't know I heard him come into the room though as I was waking up he said that I need to make sure that you don't speak or something..
Ariana : wait what , who said that ? , come on Olive think you must remember
Olive : I don't.. I'm sorry I can't remember
Ariana : no it's ok it's not your fault
Olive : I love you..
Ariana : what ?
Olive : I love you..
Ariana : I love you too
(Ariana kisses Olive)
(Olives eyes start to flicker)
Ariana : Olive ?! , Olive , what's going on ? , help I need some help in here !
(Scarlett goes to see Jack)
Scarlett : hey
Jack : hey you look good
Scarlett : oh thanks
(Scarlett pours a sleep pill into jacks drink)
Jack : so how was the competition today ?
Scarlett : yeah it was fine
Jack : oh that's good
Scarlett : are you thirsty ?
Jack : umm I'm ok
Scarlett : I think this drink is really good though I've heard strong reviews about it you should definitely try it
Jack : why don't you
Scarlett : no I think you should
Jack : your pretty insistent on me drinking that drink I wonder why
Scarlett : I just think it's a good drink
Jack : you think I'm stupid
Scarlett : stupid no I just want you to drink the drink Jack !
Jack : I'm not drinking that
Scarlett : drink it !
(Jack grabs the drink and pours it down the sink)
Jack : now non of us can drink it
Scarlett : admit what you did trying to frame Maisie
Jack : I thought you didn't care about Maisie anymore
Scarlett : no I don't
(Scarlett tries to get out of the room but Jack stands in front of the door)
Jack : where you going ? , I thought you wanted to spend time with me
Scarlett : I do I just need to get back
Jack : no your not going anywhere
(The team are waiting for the results)
Chuck Anderson : and the team moving on to the next round is the next step
Emily : oh thank god
Maisie : where's Scarlett ?
(Miles stands in front of Maisie)
Miles : you alright mate ?
(Maisie tries to run but miles knocks her on the floor)
Closing titles

Got it figured out the hard way Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin