Starting to struggle

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Phoebe : hey umm can we talk about the kiss ?
Macy : oh Phoebe I shouldn't of kissed you
Phoebe : oh come on it was a good kiss
Macy : no I mean I'm engaged to Poppy
Phoebe : you don't need to be though
Macy : are you serious ?
Phoebe : Poppy doesn't love you
Macy : look I've got to go to rehearsals
Phoebe : but we need to talk
Macy : well we can talk later
(Maisie goes over to Scarlett)
Maisie : hey
Scarlett : oh hey
Maisie : you ok ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm fine
Maisie : no your not
Scarlett : oh Mais please just don't start today
Maisie : you need to go to the hospital scarl you can barely walk
Scarlett : I'm fine I need to dance I need to get back to rehearsals
Maisie : are you insane you can't dance
Scarlett : you danced when you weren't well
Maisie : yeah and that was a bad idea wasn't it because it clearly didn't work out
Scarlett : oh please just leave it Maisie
Maisie : I care about you
Scarlett : just go and spend time with Tali ok
(Scarlett walks off)
Maisie TH : I wish Scarlett would just let me help her
(Poppy and Macy are talking)
Poppy : so should we start planning our wedding
Macy : what ?
Poppy : our wedding ?
Macy : oh right yeah the wedding
(Phoebe looks over at Macy)
Macy : can we go sit somewhere else
Poppy : umm ok
Macy : oh what's that ?
Poppy : oh it's the funeral place they've found a date for daisy's funeral
Macy : oh
Poppy : it's tomorrow
Macy : tomorrow ?!
Poppy : yeah
Macy : I'm gonna be there for you ok
Poppy : thanks I just can't lose you right now
Macy : you won't I'm not going anywhere
(Macy hugs Poppy , but looks over at Phoebe)
Macy TH : how did everything get so complicated suddenly Phoebe is the only person I can think about
Noah : you know what I think we need Phoebe on the team
Richelle : I don't know if that's a good idea
Noah : she's an amazing dancer she could really help the team
Richelle : true
Finn : hey Richelle
Richelle : oh hey
Finn : these just got delivered for you
Richelle : oh roses there not from you are they ?
Finn : no of course not I'm with Riley
Richelle : oh right wait what
Finn : it doesn't matter , but looks like you've got a secret admirer
Richelle : oh well I mean I don't blame them
Noah : maybe their from Jacquie
Richelle : wait what really , I mean Jacquie I told you I'm over her
Noah : yeah definitely, but if she did send you those flowers then maybe she wants you back
Richelle : yeah your right this is an opportunity
Noah : yeah
(Summer bumps into Richelle)
Summer : oh hey Richelle
Richelle : hey
Summer : why are you so happy ?
Richelle : oh I got these roses
Summer : oh
Richelle : yeah and I think Jacquie sent them
Summer : oh Jacquie
Richelle : yeah and if she did then maybe she wants me back and then I can get back with her
Summer : oh yeah.. that umm sounds great I'm sure she did send them
Richelle : I'll see you later
Summer : yeah
(Summer looks back at Richelle and she sits down on the floor)
Noah : hey guys I have an announcement
Macy TH : I am trying my best right now to avoid Phoebe
James : we have a new member to the team
(Phoebe walks in)
Phoebe : hey guys
(Macy looks at Phoebe shocked)
Macy TH : oh no
Noah : I've got a good feeling about this team
Closing titles

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