I won't leave your side

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(Noah goes to see Maisie)
Noah : hey
Maisie : hey
Noah : I just wanted to let you know that I sorted things
Maisie : what ? , what do you mean you sorted things , sorted what ?
Noah : the Richelle problem
Maisie : I never asked you to
Noah : yeah but I had to
Maisie : what have you done Noah ?Noah : Richelle's off the team
Maisie : wait what ?! , you got Richelle kicked off the team ?!
Noah : yeah well I told Emily the truth and she kicked Richelle off the team , but it's for the best because Richelle doesn't care about the team she cares about herself
Maisie : what and getting rid of one of the best dancers on the team isn't gonna hurt the team
Noah : I did this for you
Maisie : it wasn't up to you to do that , I can deal with my own problems
Noah : I thought you would be happy
Maisie : happy ? , Richelle made one mistake and she's getting all this , Amanda didn't have to do barely anything apart from dance and she was forgiven but Richelle , do you know what this will do to her Noah
Noah : look you have to see this is the right thing
Maisie : just go Noah
(Noah leaves)
Noah TH : she will come round)
Emily : ok guys listen up , umm Richelle is off the team
Tali : wait what why ?!
Emily : that's between me and Richelle anyways I was thinking that we need a new duet for regionals so Tali and Daisy we need you two to step in
Tali : but we're nowhere near as technical as Richelle is
Emily : you can be though , you guys are good dancers you will work things out
Daisy TH : I can't believe Richelle is off the team it just doesn't make any sense
Izzy TH : Richelle is such a talented dancer we need her on this team
Emily : ok guys rehearse
(James and Noah are talking)
Noah : so Maisie told me that the thing that Richelle did actually caused her condition so I went to Emily and she kicked Richelle off the team
James : wait what ?
Noah : she said it's what's best for the team
James : Noah Richelle is an incredible talented dancer you and I both know that , look Richelle might have made a mistake but she doesn't deserve to be off the team
Noah : I don't know
James : I've got band practise I'll see you later
Noah : ok see ya
(Richelle is in the locker room packing her stuff away)
Piper : hey Richelle
Richelle : oh hey piper
Piper : I'm so sorry about what happened
Richelle : no it's not your fault don't worry about it
Piper : I'm gonna miss you on the team
Richelle : thanks
Piper : look whatever has happened Richelle just know you will always have me
Richelle : really ?
Piper : yeah of course, stay strong Richelle
Richelle : thanks piper
(Piper leaves)
Richelle TH : it's nice to know that one person on the team still cares about me
(Maisie walks in with a crutch)
(Richelle turns around and sees her)
Maisie : are you ok ?
Richelle : yeah I'm great
Maisie : I'm so sorry
Richelle : it's not your fault
Maisie : it is , if I hadn't of kissed Izzy then this wouldn't of happened
Richelle : you made a mistake Maisie , I was the one who went too far
Maisie : but you made a mistake as well
Richelle : yeah a bigger one than yours
Maisie : you made things right though
Richelle : no I didn't , I deserve this
Maisie : no you don't , your an amazing dancer , you waited so long to dance on A troupe and they can't take that away from you , I won't let them
Richelle : Maisie shouldn't you be in hospital
Maisie : I wanted to see you
Richelle : yeah well I need to go anywhere
Maisie : Richelle , what are you gonna do now ?
Richelle : I don't know.. I really don't
(Richelle sits down)
Richelle : everything just feels so complicated normally I have the solution but this time I don't..
(Maisie sits down next to her)
Maisie : I'm gonna get you back on the team
Richelle : oh Maisie it's too late for that
Maisie : I don't care I'm gonna try because the team just wouldn't be the same without you on it
(Richelle smiles)
(Maisie holds Richelle's hand)
(Richelle doesn't let go)
Maisie : I'm not gonna leave your side
Closing titles

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