You got to believe in yourself

23 1 12

Ella : hey babe
Riley : hey omg I didn't know you were coming back ?
Ella : I wanted to surprise you
Riley : so how long are you staying for ?
Ella : well I'm thinking of staying now till after regionals
Riley : aww that's amazing I missed you
Ella : I missed you too
Riley : there's aren't great though
Ella : why not ?
Riley : well Richelle hurt maisie and now Maisie has a heart condition
Ella : wow another dancer with it ?
Riley : yeah but Emily kicked Richelle off the team so we need another person to kinda fill in for Richelle
Ella : well actually I might have someone
Riley : really
Ella : yeah
(Ella's sister walks in)
Milli : hey Riley
Riley : hey how are you doing ?
Milli : good
Ella TH : this is my sister Milli we've always been close and had similar dance styles and ways so I think she'd be perfect for A troupe
Milli : I'd be happy to fill in for the dances
Riley : that's sweet of you Milli but it's up to Emily
Ella : well why doesn't she do a solo and then Emily can see it
Riley : yeah that's a good idea
Milli : great
Riley : what would I do without you
(Ella smiles and hugs Riley)
Ella : you know just here to save the day
Noah : hey nervous ?
Maisie : yeah I am
Noah : you know you need to be at the hospital for 10 so you need to pack a bag
Maisie : yeah I know ok..
(Millie and Tali are sat in shakes and ladders)
Millie : poor Maisie
Tali : I know I can't believe richelle , I mean that's out of order
Millie : 100% we need to find another A trouper though to fill in for her
Tali : yeah I'm sure they will find someone
Millie : yeah , if Richelle isn't in A troupe anymore then what happens to the regionals duet ?
Tali : I never thought about it
Millie : me and you could make something just in case
Tali : you wanna dance with me ?
Millie : yeah of course I do
Tali : ok let's do it
(Millie and Tali bump into Milli)
Millie : oh hey
Milli : hi.. I mean hey umm sorry your really umm pretty
Millie : oh thank you
Milli : I'm Milli
Millie : oh wow your Milli , I'm Millie , oh names kinda sound the same
Milli : yeah they do
Tali : I'm Tali
Milli : oh your name doesn't sound the same as ours well I guess maybe Tali and Milli maybe do but yeah
Tali : well umm me and Millie were actually going to go rehearse
Milli : oh I might be filling in for A troupe for a few dances
Millie : oh that's cool
Tali : yeah great , well me and Millie should go
Milli : actually umm Millie I don't really know the place that well and I wondered if maybe you could show me around
Millie : yeah sure
Tali : but Millie what about our duet ?
Millie : we can make something up later , I'll see you later
Tali : oh ok bye
Tali TH : I don't know who this new girl thinks she is , but she's not taking Millie away from me
Ella : hey sis
Emily : oh are you talking to me ?
Ella : yeah you know we're pretty much family
Emily : I mean we're not
Riley : so Emily I actually found someone to fill in for Richelle
Emily : really who ?
Riley : Ella's sister Milli
Emily : oh Ella's sister
Ella : yeah I just thought it would help the team out cause she's great and I'm sure she could fit in for Rochy
Emily : richelle
Ella : yeah her
Emily : well you know this is my studio so I can decide which dancers dance on my team
Riley : em
Ella : no it's fine , but I guess you don't wanna win regionals then
Emily : ok fine I'll let Milli fill in
Ella : great my work here is done
Emily : now can you leave my office ?
Ella : certainly
Emily : great
Ella : see you later babe
Riley : ok bye
Riley : oh come on em can't you just get on with her
Emily : umm isn't she the girl who stole your internationals solo
Riley : yes but that was ages ago , I mean if we're talking about bad people look at Richelle
Emily : that's different Riley
Riley : well your gonna have to get used to her at some point
Emily : yeah maybe
(Millie and Milli are talking)
Milli : so are you in A troupe ?
Millie : no I'm in J troupe but A troupe and J troupe kinda merged together so I'm technically am yeah
Milli : I'm sure your amazing
Millie : oh thanks
Milli : so who's Tillie ?
Millie : Tillie ?
Milli : the girl you were with ?
Millie : oh right Tali yeah she's my girlfriend
Milli : oh girlfriend that's nice..
Millie : yeah it's going good
Milli : that's good to know
Milli TH : when me and Ella want something we go and get it , so Tali better watch out cause I'm coming for her girlfriend
Closing titles

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