Do what it takes to win

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Emily : since when are you pregnant ?
Tali : a few weeks now
Emily : what and you weren't gonna mention it !
Tali : I'm sorry
Michelle : we need you for the dances
Millie : yeah well don't blame Tali it was poppys fault
Poppy : sorry ?
Millie : you pushed Carrie and Carrie fell onto Tali
Poppy : she was gonna hurt Macy , I was protecting my girlfriend
Millie : well you didn't do a very good job of protecting your sister did you
Poppy : don't even start
Macy : guys just stop ok
Ariana : I'm going to the hospital
Emily : take Tali with you and Riley you go with them
Riley : ok
Finn : I can come to if you want
Emily : no Finn you need to stay here
Riley : just rehearse Finn
Finn : ok
Finn TH : I wish she would let me help her
Miles : alright here's the plan , you get Scarlett to turn against her girlfriend it will distract the team and they won't have a chance at winning
Jack : that's a bit harsh though isn't it
Miles : do you want your girlfriend back or not
Jack : ok fine
Miles : good they won't have a chance at winning regionals with our routine
Jack : did you really have to spike that girls drink though
Miles : yeah I do what it takes to win , it got rid of Daisy didn't it
Jack : you gave it to Daisy !
Miles : yeah why
Jack : she had a heart condition
Miles : and she would of died anyway
Jack : you killed her
Miles : just focus Jack and stick to the plan
Jack TH : I don't wanna win like this
(Ariana goes to the hospital)
Ariana : please please wake up , we need you Olive , I need you
Tali : hey any update ?
Ariana : she's still unconscious
Tali : she will wake up she will
Ariana : what if she doesn't I mean spiking I mean that's bad Tali the person could of given her anything and it clearly knocked her out
Tali : shes still here though
Ariana : yeah for now
Tali : don't say that ok you need to stay focussed on the competition
Ariana : what if I'm not Tali , I just want to be with Olive , and if she doesn't wake up then that's my fault , I should of told her how I felt but I didn't
Tali : come here
(Tali hugs Ariana)
Tali : Olive is strong she will pull through
(Jack goes over to Scarlett)
Jack : hey
Scarlett : oh hi
Jack : so how you feeling about the competition ?
Scarlett : well I'm not competing I'm just watching Maisie
Jack : you really love her don't you
Scarlett : yeah
(Jack sees Scarlett wearing a necklace)
Jack : what's that ?
Scarlett : oh it's a necklace my grandma got me it I've had it since I was little , I never let it out of my sight
Jack : oh right
Scarlett : well I need to go but I'll see you later
Jack : yeah
Jack TH : I need to somehow get that necklace and blame Maisie for it , I don't know why I'm doing this but if I don't then miles will do something worse to me
(Luke goes over to Noah)
Luke : I've heard you play your guitar before
Noah : oh yeah I still do it , I like music and dance obviously
Luke : yeah and your hair how many mirrors do you have in your locker
Noah : not that many maybe 5
Luke : I'd say 8 or even 10
Noah : oh right
James : hey Noah , I think the team is going to rehearse you should probably go with them
Noah : yeah I'll see you later mate
Luke : hey wait umm actually could I maybe get your number you seem cool and I think we should hang out
Noah : sure
James : we have to go
Noah : no it's fine
(Noah gives Luke his number)
Luke : thanks
James : well we can't keep the team waiting so come on Noah
Noah : yeah sorry I'll see you later
Luke : yeah see ya
James TH : I don't like this guy and I don't trust him one bit
James : why are you giving him your number you don't even know him
Noah : we used to dance together
James : yeah well he's clearly bad news
Noah : look just relax ok
(Noah goes to rehearse)
(James looks over at Luke)
James TH : I'm keeping an eye on him
(Jack sneaks into Scarlett's room as she's having a nap)
(Jack finds the necklace and he snaps it and puts it on Maisie's room)
Jack TH : I had to do this
Emily : where is Ariana ?
Millie : she's still at the hospital
Emily : well we need her for the dance
Noah : hey good luck bro
Jack : yeah thanks
(The boys go on the stage and do their dance)
(The team watches through the wings)
Tali : there amazing
Piper : omg
Amy : did you see that
Henry : no way
Kingston TH : these guys are on another level
Maisie : their really good
(Another team goes on after them but loses)
Miles : bet you can't beat that
Chuck Anderson : can the next step please enter the stage
Noah : let's go guys
(Maisie , Noah , Kingston  , Millie ,Finley , Finn and Tali go onto the stage)
Emily : let's go guys !
Michelle : their killing it
Piper TH : we've definitely got this
(Luke looks over at Noah and smiles)
(James tries to look away)
(The team finishes their dance)
Chuck Anderson : and the team moving into the next round is the next step
Noah : yes let's go guys
(The team goes downstairs)
Scarlett : Poppy , have you seen my necklace ?
Poppy : no why
Scarlett : I had it it was on my bedside locker , and now it's gone
Poppy : I haven't seen it
Maisie : what have you lost ?
Scarlett : my necklace you haven't seen it have you ?
Maisie : no I haven't but I'll help you look for it
Scarlett : great thanks
Scarlett TH : I need that necklace
Millie : hey guys I've got some good news Olive she's starting to wake up
(Miles and Jack hear)
Ariana : omg thank god
Jack : that's good she's waking up
Miles : really good , what if she remembers anything , she could get us done for it
Jack : you I didn't do anything
Miles : yeah well I need to sort this
Jack : what do you mean sort it ?
Miles : I can't let her wake up
Jack : what ?
(Miles runs out the hotel and goes to the hospital)
Jack TH : I've got to stop him before it's too late for Olive
(Ashton overhears the conversation)
Ashton TH : I don't trust that guy at all
(Ashton follows Miles to the hospital)
(Miles goes into Olives room)
Miles : hey ok I can't have you saying anything bad ok so we're gonna make this quick ok
(Miles starts to squeeze Olives breathing tube)
(Ashton knocks Miles on the floor)
Ashton : Olive , Olive can you hear me ? , Olive !
Poppy : oh you found it
Scarlett : yeah I did
Maisie : where was it ?
Scarlett : I think you know that
Maisie : what are you talking about ?
Scarlett : you took my necklace !
Maisie : what no I wouldn't
Scarlett : well then why did I find it on the floor in your room
Maisie : I wouldn't take your necklace Scarlett
Scarlett : yeah well clearly I don't know you as well as I thought I did
(Scarlett walks off)
Maisie : babe !
Jack TH : I need to stop this
Closing titles

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