Feeling guilt

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Noah : Maisie , Maisie please wake up it's Noah , can you hear me
(Noah feels Maisie's pulse)
Noah : no no no , please wake up
(Noah calls James)
Noah : hey it's me I really need you to come quick please hurry
James : ok ok I'm coming chill
Noah TH : I don't know what has happened but this isn't good
(James runs to studio A)
James : hey whoa what's happened ?
Noah : I don't know I just walked in and I saw her on the floor
James : well is she breathing ?
Noah : no I don't know I'm not first aid trained
James : I haven't done this for years
Noah : please James help me
James : ok
(James remembers what he did in the first aid class)
James : umm CPR
(James does CPR on Maisie)
James : call an ambulance
Noah : ok
(Noah calls for an ambulance)
James : come on Maisie wake up
(James presses harder and harder)
James TH : I'm not doing this for the team ok I'm doing this Noah
James : Maisie come on
Noah : yeah the umm ambulance is on its way
(Izzy walks into the studio and sees Maisie)
Izzy : Maisie ?'!
Noah : hey Izzy just back up
Izzy : what happened to her ?!
Noah : I don't know I walked in and she was collapsed on the floor
Izzy : well how long has she been there for
Noah : I I don't know Izzy ok
James : guys I really need to focus right now !
(James keeps doing CPR)
James : this isn't working , we need a defibrillator
Noah : defib what ?
Izzy : it's ok I know what it is
(Izzy runs to get the defibrillator)
James : ok thanks
James : I need some scissors quick !
(Noah runs into the office and gets the scissors)
Noah : here
James : right Izzy I need you to press hard on her chest whilst I get her shirt off
Izzy : ok
(James cuts Maisie's shirt)
Noah TH : James is surprising good at this
(James places the pads on Maisie's chest and turns the machine on)
James : ok I need you all to stand back
Izzy : ok
Noah : yeah ok
James : look Izzy if you don't wanna see this then look away
Izzy : ok
(James shocks Maisie's heart)
(James does CPR again)
James : seriously nothing !
Izzy : what's happening , did it work ?
James : does it look like it worked !
(James shocks Maisie again)
James : come on , Noah tell the ambulance to hurry up
Noah : will do
Noah TH : Maisie needs to be ok
(The ambulance gets there)
(Emily walks in)
Emily : James what's going on ?
James : I don't know she was collapsed on the floor when Noah walked in
Emily : ok
(The paramedics put Maisie on a stretcher and rush her out of the studio)
(Izzy starts crying)
James : shh shh it's gonna be ok
(Noah walks out the studio)
Noah TH : if she's not ok I don't know what I will do
James : hey she's gonna be ok
Noah : I don't know James
James : she will I promise , I can feel it
Noah : I hope so
James : come here
(Noah hugs James)
James : it's gonna be ok
Noah : I need you
James : don't worry I'm not going anywhere
James TH : I thought I wanted to be with Riley but maybe she's not the right one for me anymore
(Emily tells the team about Maisie)
Emily : umm guys I have some upsetting news about Maisie
Jacquie : is she ok ?
Emily : umm we don't know yet but Maisie was in a bad way on the floor , If anyone knows about this at all or what could of caused then please let me and Michelle know
Summer : hey noah are you ok ?
Noah : yeah thanks
Summer : she's gonna be ok
(Daisy starts tearing up)
Daisy : she doesn't deserve that
(Tali hugs her)
Tali : she's gonna be ok dais
Daisy : I hope so
(Richelle looks down)
Richelle TH : I know this is my fault , I just hope no one finds out what I did cause I could get kicked out of the studio
(Scarlett is sat in shakes and ladders)
Poppy : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : hey did you watch that movie last night it was so good it's weird how Maisie didn't show up though
Poppy : umm about that , umm I need to tell you something
Scarlett : what ? , Poppy what's wrong ?
Poppy : umm Noah found Maisie collapsed on the floor this morning and she was in a bad way
Scarlett : wait what , is she ok ?!
Poppy : no one knows anything yet
Scarlett : she has to be ok
Poppy : I'm here for you
Scarlett : thanks
Izzy TH : I can't help but think this is my fault , I kissed Maisie and it's my fault , she doesn't deserve this
(In the hospital)
(Maisie is in a coma)
(Richelle walks in)
Richelle : I'm sorry ok I was just looking out for my sister and Ill do anything for her and you shouldn't mess with her , I guess that was a warning , so when you wake up or if you can hear me , I've got my eye on you
Noah : hey Richelle what are you doing here ?
Richelle : oh nothing I was just hoping that Maisie gets better
Noah : yeah thanks Richelle
Richelle : it's ok
James : she's gonna be ok
Noah : yeah she is
Richelle TH : no one can find out about this
Closing titles

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