The biggest shock part 2

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Noah : no no it can't be
Tali TH : I am shocked right now
Riley : what ?
Maisie : hey guys
Jude : surprise
(Noah walks out the room)
Noah TH : I don't know what is going on
Maisie TH : I know everyone is shocked and so am I but I need let them know the truth especially Noah
(Maisie goes to find Noah , she's on crutches)
Maisie : hey
Noah : what ? , how ? , how are you here right now , you died ?
Maisie : I know but look umm , I know you saw me die and I did but then someone rushed over to find a doctor and they kept trying and trying and my heart ended up beating again and I woke up but Poppy told Jude that everyone was struggling and I knew I couldn't come back
Noah : when you left , I was a mess I didn't know what to do with myself I can't go through that again
Maisie : I know I'm sorry you had to go through it
Noah : so are you still ill then ?
Maisie : yeah I am but I'm gonna get through it if I have you
Noah : I won't leave your side
Maisie : Noah
Noah : yeah
Maisie : the person who grabbed the doctor for me
Noah : yeah
Maisie : it was Richelle
Noah : wait what ?
Maisie : yeah I know I was shocked as well but she saved my life and I would actually be dead if it wasn't for her
Noah : oh right
Maisie : I need to go talk to Tali
Noah : ok
(Maisie goes to find Tali)
Maisie : hey Tali can we talk ?
Tali : yeah I guess..
(Maisie sits down with Tali)
Tali : what is going on ? , you died
Maisie : I know but I woke up after you guys had left , but I couldn't come back and face the team
Tali : I thought I lost you
Maisie : I know and I just wanted to call you so badly but I couldn't
Tali : I umm I shouldn't of told you that I loved you
Maisie : do you not love me ?
Tali : I don't know Maisie I don't I mean you were gone and now your back and I , I just don't know how I feel
Maisie : well if you still want to be with me then I'd like that so the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about you and Noah
Tali : you have no idea how hard Noah has been grieving for you , he's been a mess
Maisie : I know and I'll make it up to you guys
Tali : look I'm glad your here still but I need some space ok
Maisie : yeah of course I get it
(Tali walks off)
Emily : I am so confused
Hunter :  I never saw that coming
Giselle : no that was definitely a shock
James : yeah I'm gonna go check on Noah
Riley : well I guess we don't have to fill Maisie's spot anymore
Michelle : I'm shocked still
(Maisie goes to see Izzy)
Maisie : hey
(Izzy hugs Maisie)
Izzy : I'm just so shocked
Maisie : I know and I'm sorry I wanted to tell you so bad
Izzy : I just can't even get my head around it , you died Maisie
Maisie : I know but the doctor kept trying and I woke up
Izzy : I'm glad your still here
Maisie : thanks
Maisie TH : I've got a lot of making up to do and explaining to do but I know I need to make something right
Closing titles

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