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Milani pov

1 year later

"I'd marry you again and again because it'll take a million holy matrimonies to show how much I love you. I'm thankful to be able to have you as my wife again. Thankful to be apart of your growth. Seeing it's possible for a rose to grow in a dark room. To watch you bloom into a butterfly. This time I promise to be there holding your hand through every trial and to pick you up when you feel down. To affirm and reassure you, when you're in doubt, may you never have to worry.I thank you for giving me a chance to love you. I love every piece of you. I understood the wall you had up because of how the real you is so delicate and I just want to be able to handle you with care. I love you for making me a better man. Seeing through me, calling me on my bs, and keeping me grounded. Thank you for our family. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't For Marli. She was our glue through it all. Brought us together, prayed for us when we weren't and her faith in us is being together is one of the reasons I get to stand before you and say I do again." Keith said as tears rolled down my eyes.

Here we stood in the courthouse getting remarried with just our kids, parents, and siblings.

We spent the past year relearning each other. Fixing where we lacked in the first time around. We found peace within each other. I'm happy to feel security within myself to properly love Keith now. To be so strong, mature, and confident feels so empowering. I'm thankful for the twist and turns life has gave me because it really forced me to look at myself in the mirror and ask 'What am I doing? Where am I lacking in? What can I change and what can't I?'

I learned how to love me too. I jumped so quick into letting someone else love me , for me. So it took being removed from Keith, for that time period to know when you learn to love God and yourself, it's easier to love someone else.This newfound love changed the trajectory of my life. Allowed me to pour life into my husband and my children.

And here I stand, a new woman, being able to marry again the correct way.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much!!! I'm so glad you all read my book. Your comments make me happy.

I also want to thank those who have been reading my books since I was 15!! Although those books were crazy, illiterate, all over the place, outlandish fantasies, and I get secondhand embarrassment reading it and thinking about it, but yal stood beside me and I appreciate it!! Thank youuu, I love yal!!!

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