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Milani Pov

Keith left without telling anyone. I didn't think it was back on set, because he was finish with famous in love and New edition. It could be the Reality high movie, but I thought that's been wrapped up too.

I wasn't gonna stress about it. Ion chase after no nigga nor allow myself up a nigga ass, that goes for my husband too. Whatever he's doing I want him to do it. It's his character, respect, and morals, not mines.

Sike, I lied. I'd live in his skin if he'd let me. I use to be like that though, but it's just different when it comes up to my husband.

I called Keith and he answered.

"Hey baby where are you?" I whined.

"Baby I'm in L.A. back at our old house. I was just with Jonathan and Teyana."

"Why did you leave?"

"Baby I needed a break. I needed to heal for me, so I could be strong for you." He said.

A tear went down my face, I never gave thought to him grieving. I felt bad for making things only about me. I forgot how crushed he'd be when it was him being the happiest man about having another child and it being a boy.

"Baby I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave to get healing. I'm sorry for putting my hurt on you. It's just been so hard. I love you so much baby. Thank you for being there for me and putting up with me."'

"I love you baby, it's ok . We'll get through this together baby. I'll be back tomorrow. I'm sorry for leaving without letting you know, it was a spur of the moment "

"It's ok baby." I said.

We talked on a phone for a minute until I got up and ready to go to the store for grocery. Marli went with me.

After getting grocery , I didn't feel nothing but torture. It has never been so many pregnant women in Target. The icing on the cake was when Marli and I were in checkout.

The lady in front of us had a son and he just stared and smiled at me. I almost broke down right there. We left the line and went to another.

To keep composure, I just kept kissing Marli's forehead. She held my face in her hands. "I love you mommy."she said before giving me a kiss. She sat in the children seat part of the cart, keeping me calm, not knowing that's what she was doing. I was really holding it together.

But once I got in that car, I was bawling my eyes out. I just sat in the car crying. Marli got out her seat and came and sat in my lap. I held on to her like a baby and loved on her as I cried. I love her so much. She reminds me to keep pushing.

I called my dad and just vented and cried to him right in the parking lot. The daddy's girl needed her daddy.

The next day Keith came home but with a puppy. He got it just for me. We named him Roe. It really helped me feel better . Marli loves Roe too.

That night I held Keith and listened to him vent.

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