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Marli had her Christening today and this will be my first time meeting Milani family and her meeting mines. Unfortunately, I literally found out about the Christening the morning before, so not many of my family was able to come, but my intermediate family did. They weren't too big on the last minute though, since they had to take a 3 hour ride down here yesterday, to make it. But it was appreciated that they came.

"Is this the church you go to?" My mom whispered in my ear as we sat in the pews as they went through the whole rundown .

"Uh no, this is the church Milani chose."

"So you had no say so in this?"
"Uh no."
"Mmm ok." I knew she wasn't too impressed about that.

After the christening everyone all went to Milani's parents house and we all got to know each other. I also got to know more about Milani with just talking to her people. Her people were good people, they were very grateful to know I was their granddaughter's father. With me having a good head on my shoulders and being successful. At a point it was almost like they were trying to get us together. But I honestly don't see her emotionally there, she doesn't seem in touch with the idea of dating.

My family did well with her family as well. Everyone clicked, both levels of success and relatability.

I've noticed Milani isn't a people person, she went upstairs with Marli to change her diaper and I followed. We sat on the bed as she laid Marli on the bed undressing her.

I handed everything she needed out the diaper bag. "Today I noticed baby girl got piercings. You did that yesterday?" I asked.

"Yea , I have the video. Wanna see? She had me crying." Milani smiled.

"Yea." I said, kinda upset she didn't let me in on this.

I looked at the video, Milani was holding Marli as it happened. As soon as Marli cried , Milani started crying and saying" I'm sorry baby , it's ok" and kissing her forehead. Then Rashaad picks up Marli and walks her out the store as she cried kissing on her forehead. While Micah behind the camera saying "Tough cookie award taken away today."

"I would have came if I knew." I said, handing her back her phone.

I just didn't want it to look like daddy was never there, even when he was there.

"My bad."she said.

"It's alright. I like your earrings princess, you look so cute with them." I said kissing on Marli's forehead as Milani changed her diaper.

"Milani please let me be involved." I said looking her in her eyes.

She looked away quickly back at Marli ,"Ok."

"I was thinking she can go with my family and I to my hometown, my people want to spend time with her and let her meet my family. They wanna get pictures done too."

"I'm not sure if she's ready for that." She replied putting Marli's clothes on.

" You mean you're not ready for that?"

"When the time comes we can talk about that later."

"Oh uh ok." I said.
"Well can she stay with me tonight?"
"Uh maybe another time, we're all staying over here tonight."
"Oh ok." I replied.
She picked up Marli and we went back downstairs with everyone else.

I was feeling a tad bit defeated, she's treating me like a stranger and not like Marli's father. She trusted me with her body,but not our daughter. I told her I wanted to be involved and she's not letting me. 

The icing on the cake was when the following weekend Marli was rushed to the hospital. She had trouble breathing, comes to find out her noisy breathing was just congestion, but the fact is I wasn't told when it happened, it was just briefly talked about to me the next day. 

I'm gonna have to have a talk with Milani for real.

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