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Milani Pov

I decided to keep the baby, but this will be the last.

Keith and I still treat each other like strangers, but he is for sure active with our kids.

He moved back as well, now living up the street from us.

Every afternoon he'll get Keiko from my house, spend time with her until, Marli is out of school and then pick her up. He'll then bring them back help with homework, eat dinner with us , help get the kids ready for bed and head back home. On the weekends they stay at his house.
Keith shows up to my appointments and makes sure I'm straight but it goes no further than that.

Today we're having the gender reveal, I'm excited about it. I honestly think it's a girl. But we both hope for a boy.

Family all gathered to be here for this gender reveal. Luckily that family bond didn't break after the divorce. But you know there will be gossiping and whispers. Zen said she heard an Aunt on my side say, "She let go of a good man, don't no man file for divorce so she had to had did something."

My parents were truly disappointed that we divorced, my mom said to me,when she found out about the divorce and baby, " I hope this baby isn't the only reason stopping you from getting back with that fuck ass nigga Chris."

Chris was honestly the last thing on my mind. He lived rent free in Keith's mind.

Everyone just loves Keith, he does no wrong in their eyes. My grandmother came up to us and said,"This is your husband you need to get things right. It's not too many like him. Yal need to stick together, yal got a family."

"Thank you grandma." I said as Keith just nodded in respect.

"Alright time to find out the Gender,"
my mom said. She handed us a confetti canon. Once everyone count down we realesed it blue confetti came out. Good thing I didn't get rid of this baby. It's the boy Keith wanted.

We were both excited. Keith and I awkwardly side hugged, but he eventually just grabbed me up and hugged me full and tight, kissing my forehead.

He went off to his family to celebrate as I celebrated with mines.

"Kairo is coming back!!!" Marli exclaimed. Everyone just awed. Keith and I hugged her. Keiko came and hugged our legs.

"Congrats Mili." Keith said to me.

After the gender reveal, Keith took us out to eat. Our kids and parents.

I guess this dinner was a press conference on our divorce, because our parents had questions.

"Now how are yall supposed to raise a baby divorced." My mom asked. "How we raised Marli when we weren't married."

"It's no way possible yal can remarry? Yal reasoning for ending the marriage was bearable, it was no reason to divorce ." Keith's mom said.

"Don't think that's a good idea." We both said.

"Well why not live together."Keith's dad said.

"I get under his skin, that wouldn't work "I said.

"Why would you say that, that's not true." He replied.

"It is. We wouldn't be divorced if that wasn't the case."

"You think that's why we divorced?"

"It's part of the reason. You finalized the divorce because I ignored you."

"That's all you got out of it?" He said with a chuckle in disbelief.

"You let that be the straw that broke the camel's back."

"You said get the papers ready and signed the papers first Mili." He responded.

"You had the paperwork in the fir-"
"Hey yal, we get it yall don't need to be living with each other, don't got to prove it." My dad said cutting me off.

"It just he had the paperwork in the first place so he had it planned to divorce me." I said.

"I had that way back when we originally separated, but believed we could fix our marriage."

"If you believed we was gonna work you would have threw it away, you had no faith in it."

"Milani you was wanting a divorce from the jump, I had to convince you for us to just be separated and not divorced."

"Let's not talk about this anymore, we're in front of the children."Keith's mom said as my mom nodded in agreement.

I just sighed . I knew I would forever be the blame on why my marriage didn't last. They think Keith does no wrong.

"Yal gonna have to learn how to be cordial for the sake of yal children and this baby on the way."

"Oh we do well with being cordial, we know not to talk to each other." I said.

"Yal that upset with each other that much that yal can't regularly converse?" My dad asked

"No just nothing to talk bout."

"Milani and Keith, this really hurts my heart . To see yal being lovebirds to this, it's not right" My mom said.

"Things change, people change, feelings change too" I shrugged.

The remainder of the dinner was quiet outside of them talking to the girls. Keith and I didn't shoot not one glance to each other.

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