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"Can yal get married please?" I said to Zen and Rashaad, watching them with Zuri.

"Erase that from your mind not gon happen." Zen said as she handed Zuri's bottle to Rashaad as he held her.

Playing with Ro, I said "Overtime raising Zuri together, yall haven't developed any feelings for each other? I find that hard to believe."

"It's highly platonic over here. We're good friends and we like it that way."

"Keith and I started platonic." I said.

"Yal were fake platonic, yal use to fuck each other with yal eyes.  Crazy thing, while Chris could be in the room." Rashaad said.

Zendaya laughed,"Then quickly wanna look away when Chris is looking." Rashaad and her we're getting a laugh out of that.

"You hopped right on his dick as soon as he broke up with ole girl." Rashaad continued.

"Remember she was like, I think I've fallen for a man I don't even know. Then days later find out she pregnant by the mystery man."  Rashaad said.

"She remembers what they did that night in detail and gushed about him and what they did for weeks , but wanna be platonic and act like she don't like him when he in her face. Yal funny as fuck." Zendaya said as they laughed.

"Ok ok point taken." I said rolling my eyes then laughing.

"How I know yal not doing the same?"

"Because we don't want to be with each other." Rashaad said.

"How I'mma know if deep inside one yal like the other but y'all not gon tell because the other keeps saying no I don't like them?"

I blocked Rashaad's eyes from Zen seeing and said, "This stays between us, but if you like Zen and want to be with her, blink 3 times."

He just stared at me. I did the same for Zen and she didn't blink either.

"Yal weird how yal fuck each other more than once and have a baby together and not have an inch of feelings for each other. Both y'all good looking people so help me understand."

They just shrugged.

Keith came in the house with Marli and Keiko. He just came from picking up Marli from school.

He greeted us and went to lay Keiko down and Marli greeted Zen and Rashaad with hugs and kissing Zuri's forehead . She then came to me, jumping on me , hugging me, and munching all over my face.

"Hey mar mar." I giggled.

"Hi lovebug." She said, she calls me lovebug now.

"How was school?"

"Good, mommy I drew a picture for you." She said before running to her bag to get it and coming back."

"Oh I love it, you're real creative mommy." I said looking at the picture. I get so many pictures from this girl, I got a whole binder for it.

Keith came back in the living to give me a kiss, "Babe bout to hang with the guys, I'll be back later. "

I be forgetting this nigga got friends. I be thinking I'm his only friend and my friends are his only friends as well, but only because that's when we were in LA he didn't know anybody, but now we're in his hometown so he got his people. He rarely brings them around, I think because they don't share same morals. His friends are hoes. Niggas that don't believe in commitment, like playing video games, betting on games, partying, smoking and getting drunk. The only married couple Keith has as friends is Jonathan and Tey. He got one friend who has a girlfriend of 6 years with no engagement so yea. Only person he hangs around that's around the house often would be Kev, his brother.

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