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Keith pov

Milani was in the bathroom, using it while on FaceTime with Zen. Zen had her baby girl, she named her Zuri. We really thought her and Rashaad were gonna get closer but they really haven't yet. Great parents though, they're learning as she grows.

"Ohhh nice catch!" Milani exclaimed.
"What?" Zen asked.

"My water just broke while I was sitting on the toilet." I overheard. I hopped up so quick and came to the bathroom and she was getting up flushing the toilet and washing her hands normally. I was beyond confused why she wasn't in pain.

I did what I could, getting her hospital bag. She still acting normal, talking on the phone regularly while getting Marli, who was sleeping, dressed. Then carried Marli who's half her size and walked out the house to the car. I just followed behind in shock. This was my first time ever experiencing this. Even with being the older sibling.

Once she got in the car, you can tell the contractions started coming, but she was still keeping her composure.

The hospital was 20 minutes away. When we were 10 minutes away that's when it got real painful for her. She was just yelling, scaring Marli. So now Marli was crying. I called myself tryna help by rubbing Milani stomach and she yelled at me, "DONT TOUCH ME!" She scared the fuck out of me.

Marli and I stayed quiet remainder the ride. We rushed her into the hospital and they got us. I honestly felt like I was no help, I was so scared, awkward, and nervous. Like every command was a delay because I was tryna process everything. But when baby started coming out I was so interested. I was all up in there tryna see, I was even able to catch her when she came out.

"Yea I should be a doctor, that delivers babies." I said when I got my baby girl and was able to cut her umbilical cord. I kissed her forehead she was just so cute with her little conehead.

I gave her to Milani to hold and see. Milani was just tearing up, happy, as baby cried.She calmed once she was rested on Milani's chest. The doctors then cleaned her up.

I went and got Marli as she sat in the corner, she was so scared of and for Milani.

I picked Marli up and said,"Mommy is ok, she just had a bad stomach ache, but sister is here now."

I sat her on the bed with Milani and Milani kissed all over her and tickled her, making her feel better.

The doctors handed baby over to Milani for her to hold. They had her with her little baby beanie and her diaper.

"Baby looks just like you when you were first born." Milani said as I sat on the end of the bed.

"Sister is so cute." Marli said kissing her forehead.

"What should we name her?" Milani asked Marli. Marli's been so excited about baby, that she's been making up names for baby.

Marli put her little finger on her chin and thought.

"Keiko." Marli said. Milani looked at me and I was cool with it.
Marli was just smiling.

"Keiko it is." I said.

"Keiko Milan Powers" Milani said smiling. It felt good being there with my girls and our little family.

(Kē-i-co Me-lan )

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