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Keith pov

After breakfast, Mars and Koko went to their playroom to play. Milani didn't join us for breakfast. She stayed in her room.

As I cleaned up, she finally came out with the divorce papers. Coming to the kitchen counter, placing the papers on it she said,"So much for, I'm gonna be patient with you until you become the woman for me."

"You know I said that because I had hope you were actually trying to be that woman for me. "

She nodded slowly and signed the papers.

Leaving the papers there she walked off back to her room. I finished cleaning and sat there trying to sign the paper as well, but my heart was holding me back.

The sound of a suitcase came from the hallway. The rolling stopped by the girls playroom. I overheard Milani talking to the girls saying she was heading back home and she'll pick them up once summer break was over. Marli the drama queen was begging her to stay, but Milani stood her ground this time.

She finally came, back into the kitchen, "what's the hold up? Stand on business, sign it" she said.

"Damn shame this the solution." I said signing the papers.

She left after I signed it.

I buried my head in my hands and thought , I failed my family.

My daughters won't be able to get that mom and dad still together and that healthy household. I know how much Marli loves to have both of her parents together. I just hope with the process of this divorce we're able to do it correctly and it doesn't hurt the kids.

I called Milani.

"Hello?" She said

"So you don't think we should sit and talk to our children and tell them we'll be divorcing?" I asked.

"I mean they know we're separated, we've been in separate households for how long?" She replied.

"They don't, they just believe we live in separate houses because I have work. You just can't handle things in a healthy way can you?"

"Keith I'm not trying to start with you."

"We're not starting nothing it's just I believe our children deserve an explanation. Because it won't make sense if we both move forward and they're wondering why we're with other people right?"

"Alright we'll talk to them."

"Will you be coming back so we can?"

"My flight is already booked and I'm on the way to it. We can talk it over the phone or just wait til the summer is over."

"Alright cool, Milani." I replied after sighing.

"Aight." She said. The line went quiet .

"Well bye then." She said before hanging up.

Milani pov

Honestly it did hurt, that this was the route we were going. But I understand people can only tolerate so much.

I could tell Keith was becoming unhappy and I became unhappy because he was unhappy. Just felt like he was nagging me all the time and always throwing in my face about how I treat him worse than Chris when Chris was beating on me.

I always fuck up things. My attitude, my pride, and ego fuck these things over for me. I can't be mad at Keith for being done. I've mentally left the marriage, with being without him all this time we've been separated. I learned how to be by myself. I just feel I can do bad by myself. I got to heal for me.

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