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Usually Saturdays I go grocery shopping for the house, but was unable to go this time, so I went today.

Little did I know what a change of routine could reveal to me. After I do groceries, I always find myself in the baby's clothing section finding clothes for my baby girl or in the toy section grabbing something for her.
I briefly looked over at the checkout line to see how long they were and happened to see what I was looking for.

Marli's dad. I thought I'd never see him again. Like I really had no hope, I didn't even try looking for him because from what he told me that night, he wasn't from here and didn't know anyone . So I figured there was no luck in finding him through a friend of a friend. I didn't even remember his name. I just accepted my reality for what it was.

He was in line with a woman , and a little girl. I figured it was his girlfriend and daughter.

Part of me wanted to go up to him and tell him hey you're the father of my child, but other part was like he's with his family don't do it. What if he embarrasses you and is like hell nah wrong nigga. Deny Deny, cause he in front of his woman. I can't get embarrassed. I was anxious, I've never had to do this before.

I just walked away and continued looking at clothes. I'm ok without him anyways.

Finding my way wandering off to the arts and craft area, I get a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey excuse me ma'am." The male voice said.

I turned around slowly, nervous about the fact it could be him.

Just as I thought it was him.

"Uh hey." I said shyly.

"I'm unsure if you remember me, but it's me, Keith. I'm from the ja-" he said before I cut him off saying "I remember."

"Yea, I'm here with my friend and her daughter." He clarified, as if he read my mind.

"Oh that's good"I replied.

"Your name was Mila  right" he asked.

"Milani." I corrected him.

"Oh sorry, it's good seeing you, I've been looking for you. Doing alright? Must have a babyshower you're attending. " he said noticing the baby clothes and diapers in my cart.

"Oh no , it's for my daughter. Yea I'm good"

"You have a daughter, wow. "

"Yea she's 6 months. " I said hoping he caught the hint.

"Wow." he said. He thought for a moment , a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"She's mine?" he asked.

"Yea." I replied.

"Oh wow can I see her? What's her name?"

"Uh sure. Her name is Marli." I said pulling out my phone to show pictures.

"Wow she's beautiful. Wow I help create a beauty, but all the good looks come from her mother."
"Yea , thank you."

"Uh could I meet her ? If you're not busy the rest of the day."

"Oh uh sure." I replied.
"I guess you can follow me to my spot" I added.

"Alright " he smiled at me.

"What about who you came with?" I said as we walked to the checkout.

"We drove separately."

"Ok." I said.
He continued to ask about her the whole walk there and I let him hold my phone to look at pictures and videos of her.

"Let me buy everything for you." He said once we made it to self checkout.

"You don't have to, thanks though." I said checking things out.
"I want to, the least I can do." He replied putting the bags in my cart.
" ok I guess."
In the midst of checking out, his friend came to us.
"Tey this is Milani. She's the mother of my child I just found out about. Milani can you show her a picture."

"Oh um sure, yea."

"Oh my, this made the day really interesting. Wow today took a wild turn. Hi Milani nice to meet you." She shockingly said.

"Hi." I said just showing her my screensaver of Marli and I.

"Aww yea Keith that's your twin. She looks just like you. She is gorgeous. You should consider modeling for her." She said.

"Yea, we're working on it . Thank you."

"I'm about to visit her after we leave." Keith said to her.

"Oh great! That's wassup." She exclaimed.

Looking at Keith he looked genuinely happy to be a father. Not an inch of doubt , stress, or worry in his face. He seemed ready to be a father.

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