Chapter 30

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Naruto loved messing around. A lot.

He already killed a big guy in one swift, and Now he was messing around with Momoshiki, Last time when they battled, Momoshiki marked him turning him into a vessel sadly for him, Naruto was the seal master and had 9 Biju's on his side along with Rinne-Sharingan, Momoshiki was toast.

The reason why was he messing?

Because he wanted to know what the fuck were these two doing here before their time.

"Y-You…" Momoshiki pants harder, glaring at Naruto with hate. "How…dare you…"

He was beaten, wounded, a mess, and half-naked. Momoshiki couldn't even see him coming at full speed and attacking him over and over.

"Look, I will be straightforward, Momo," Naruto says cheekily smiling. "Who sent you here?"

"Why the fuck do you think I would tell you, insect!!"

"Geez, didn't have morning coffee, huh? Oh well, I was being nice to you all this time" Naruto sighs. "Seriously, Why Otsutsuki are so stubborn"

"WHO DO YOU-" Momoshiki gasped as he felt a huge pressure pressing him down and fell to the ground on his stomach. What was that pressure?!

"Are you stupid?" Naruto kneels and looks at him. "I just killed your buddy…Beat you up without any skill, just punches…A mortal beat you up so bad that you had difficulty to stand still…"

Momoshiki started to have difficulty breathing and crawled to get away but couldn't move himself.

"I did think of making you my ally…But seeing your smug face…I remember how you killed my closest people…Is it fun? With killing? Don't you feel…scared?"

He needs to get away! Away! Away!

Naruto grabs him by the neck and squeezes it hard, digging his nails into his flesh. "I remember how you took the head off the body…Let me do that…Let's see how you feel"


Naruto got up still holding him by the back of his neck, he put his foot on his back pressing it down to hold his body down despite the pressure release he did on him, Momoshiki wanted to get out of his grip and run away. Far away from this monster.

A true fear grips Momoshiki's heart.

Kurama came in time to see Naruto rip the head off the body of none other than Momoshiki.

Kurama shudders seeing the gore sight and looks at Naruto who hasn't moved at all looking at the head in his hand. He was covered in blood from face to down and glaring at the head.

"You wanna catch it on fire? Or is it a hobby of yours to gather heads as trophies?"

Naruto snaps out of whatever thoughts he is having, He cringes and throws the head away. "Ewww!!"

Kurama cringed at the sound of it hitting the ground and patting his shoulder. "You sure went out on him…"

"I-I don't know what came over, Ya know…"

"Yeah, I can see that…Anyway dealt with Akatsuki…Bad news, Those two prisons got away"


"Yeah…They got away"

Naruto groans. "What about Akatsuki?"

"Well, Zetsu ran away, Obito was captured, Pein almost destroyed the village but Vegeta slapped him hard enough to blow his head off…" Kurama sighs. "It freaks everyone out…Vegeta I think is traumatized? Maybe? Who knows…Koan changed the side and wants to be on our side. Like you told me, I didn't kill any single of them…Do you still want them to be useful?"

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